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Update on Huawei ban

20th May 2019
"The Department of Commerce has given Huawei a temporary license to maintain its current products."

There is an update regarding Google cutting ties with Huawei. After U.S. President Mr. Donald Trump signed an executive order which placed Huawei on the Entity list causing a ban in buying US parts and components from American companies without US government approval has been temporarily lifted.

The Department of Commerce has given Huawei a temporary license to maintain its current products. The ban has been lifted for 90 days which will allow the company to work with U.S. corporations to support current customers. Huawei will be able to maintain business relationships with Google, Intel, Qualcomm, and others to release software updates to existing device in the market.

The temporary license given to Huawei will only allow the comapany to maintain devices that are already in the market. Meaning Huawei will be able to release security update for the existing devices but will not be able to release new devices that will use technology based on U.S ground.

Compiled by : Biplav Gachhadar Biplav Gachhadar