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Effective wall maintenance tips for your home

5th January 2022
"Home maintenance is one of the major responsibilities taken to maintain the integrity of your home."

Home maintenance is one of the major responsibilities taken to maintain the integrity of your home. This process includes maintaining the parts of a home from walls to roofing, window upgrades, furnace upgrade, and exterior painting.

Here are a few tips on how one can maintain their walls:

Remove dust or dirt from walls

The first and easy tip for maintaining your wall is to dust it to keep it clean.

Keeping your walls clean not only cuts down on dust/ dirt in your house but also makes your wall look better and helps to keep the paint in a good condition.

It also prevents the wall from surface deterioration& indoor air pollution. Use a feather duster or dry cloth to remove dust and dry dirt from the surface.

The easiest way to get rid of the dust, dirt, and cobwebs that shorten the life of your paint is to use a cloth on a long-handled broom over your walls every month.

Don’t leave out the ceilings because due to gravity, some airborne dust collects there, making them dirty.

Clean and remove stains from walls

The cleaning of the walls depends on the type of paint used & the wall texture.

While cleaning the walls, avoid rubbing too hard on the wall as you might create a stain or remove the paint texture on the wall and be careful.

Make use of water and a clean sponge to clean the wall. Wash wall tiles in the kitchen and bathroom as per their condition.

Remove the residues of cooking and steamy showers by washing them at least once every month and also clean the painted surface of the walls as per their condition.

Dry the wall with an old towel.

Consider repainting the wall

Repainting will give your space outstanding freshness and elegance.

Consider repainting your old and worn-out walls to restore their appeal.

An additional tip when painting is to always maintain a specific grade depending on your home’s exterior and interior.

Do not use a grade of paint meant for the interior to paint your exterior.

Get help from a professional painter in case you have a challenge deciding which paint or theme to adopt.

Whitewashing your walls

This is one of the key factors which can make your walls look fresh.

Whitewashing is not painting your walls but covering your walls with plaster of Paris.

This technique is quite economical and hygienic and gives your walls a new look.

The mixture used for whitewashing the walls is lime and water and there is a certain method that should be followed to create this mixture and apply it to the wall.

You can make use of a large paintbrush to apply a thick coat over the walls.

Odor Control

It is not reasonable, nor entirely possible, to change your life around to prevent your walls from absorbing everyday odors like cooking grease, smoke, pets, and more.

But you can implement some strategies to help abate the absorption of such smells.

For starters, you can choose a paint that is formulated to retain fewer odors.

Otherwise, it is effective to simply clean your walls periodically.

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How can you benefit from a houseplant? Beneficial Houseplants

5th January 2021
"A houseplant not only embellishes your house decor but also has many health benefits."

As you add some indoor plants in your room, they don't just act as a decor element, but they also impart many health benefits. Besides the greenery, the plants add positive vibrance to your room making your room a better and more serene place for you. Plants have their own way of making our lifestyle better. Plants benefit us in many ways; some of the advantages of houseplants/ indoor plants are listed below. 

Provides Fresh air

Many types of research have proved that indoor plants help rid the air of common toxins and indoor pollutants such as formaldehyde and benzene. The plant's ability to keep the air fresh depends upon the size of the room and the plant as well. If you want fresh and purified air, do not forget to keep your leaves clean and free of dust. Also, bring them out in the natural light sometimes for their well-being. 

Lowers stress and anxiety

As you plant and maintain your houseplants, you become mindful of the present and forget things that are troubling you. As you focus on taking care of your plant and seeing it grow, you get a feeling of accomplishment that helps you forget your failures and helps you stay positive.

Sharpening focus

Many types of research have proved that having plants around your workplace or study place helps you focus on your work and also helps you to soar your creativity. As plants promote your mental well-being and calmness, your creativity soars and your focus strengthens.

Boosts your mental well-being

Plants can do wonders to your distressed mind and help you keep calm. With plants in your surrounding, you feel positive vibration that relaxes your soul and keeps your mind calm. It's scientifically proved that greenery helps you get rid of mental disturbances and keeps you at peace.

Releases moisture in the environment

As part of the photosynthetic and respiratory processes, plants release moisture vapor, which increases the humidity of the air around them. Plants release roughly 97% of the water they take in. Researches have proven that keeping plants in the interior spaces decreases the problems of dry skin, colds, sore throats, and dry coughs.

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Building a house? | Things to Consider While buying House Materials |

2nd January 2022
"The materials used in building have a considerable impact on the overall quality of the structure."

More than 100 different types of materials are used in the construction of the house. This is not meant to terrify you, but you will be spending a significant amount of time purchasing all components.

Furthermore, a good design is only possible with high-quality materials, therefore materials are the answer to a well-functioning structure.

The materials used in building have a considerable impact on the overall quality of the structure.

So here are some factors you need to consider before buying house materials:


Labor, machines, and materials should all be planned accordingly for a building.

Also, keep in mind that the cost of building materials and machinery may be relatively higher. Choosing constructing materials that will last for a long period will save you money.

The cost of materials is an important consideration when selecting materials for construction since it will ultimately protect your structure.


The climate is another important consideration in material selection. Some factors to consider are the usual amount of heat or cold throughout the year, the amount of rain or snowfall, the quantity of sunshine, and the amount of ventilation required.

The building material should be appropriate for the climate and setting. When climate enters the scene, the properties of materials change and help in reacting to the climate.


Some materials are more resistant to wear and tear than others. They have a higher resistance to dampness, corrosion, and deterioration.

Before purchasing building supplies, you need to investigate the weather conditions in your location. The building and construction supplies should be able to withstand the effects of the environment and weather.

Moreover, it is essential to consult experts when choosing building materials that respond to climatic conditions. They will help us to determine materials that are most suitable as per our requirements.

The materials should be capable of adapting to the weather and climatic conditions.


It is usually preferable to obtain products that are easily available.

The cost and time required for installation are also determined by the availability of building supplies. Certain materials are locally available yet difficult to transfer.

Not only do the transportation prices rise, but the work is also delayed. On the other hand, if the material is available locally, the transportation cost is reduced. It also saves time and allows for more efficient task completion.


The most appropriate materials are those that are simple to maintain and control. Maintenance will help to keep the building gorgeous and new for as long as possible.

High-quality construction materials often require less care than low-cost materials.

To ensure proper construction, one must investigate the life and quality of the structure.

Maintenance is a key consideration when choosing a construction material since superior materials are easy and economical to maintain. They offer value to the structure.

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