Instagram may soon start sending two-factor authentication codes on WhatsApp
"Instagram may soon start sending two-factor authentication codes on WhatsApp"
Instagram is working on a new feature that allows users to choose if they want to receive two-factor authentication (2FA) codes through WhatsApp Messenger or WhatsApp Business.
2FA is a security system that requires two separate, distinct forms of identification in order to access something. It adds an additional layer of security. This feature will be optional and, if users don't feel safe, they can always enable the app authentication to generate 2FA codes, according to app analyst Alessandro Paluzzi.
While Instagram has not made the feature official as of yet, Alessandro Paluzzi was able to unearth evidence that Facebook is working on it. He also shared some screenshots on Twitter showing the user interface around this new optional feature in Instagram's app for iOS and Android. Instagram users will be able to opt in when Facebook rolls out this option to everyone.
After enabling 2FA, Instagram will ask for the phone number of the account owner. At the same time, there will be a note that reads: "Before we can confirm your WhatsApp account, let's add your phone number. WhatsApp will not store any of your information."
It will be useful for users as WhatsApp will soon support multi-devices, and it will be the perfect alternative if the smartphone of the user is turned off or not with them.
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