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Prevention for Pregnancy Hair Fall

1st February 2022
"The natural cycle of hair follicle shedding is slowed by rising estrogen levels during pregnancy."

In the vast majority of situations, postpartum hair loss is completely natural and nothing to be concerned about. The natural cycle of hair follicle shedding is slowed by rising estrogen levels during pregnancy.

Here are some suggestions for preventing hair loss after childbirth or during pregnancy:

Skip the styling

Hair that has been heated with a dryer or a curling iron may appear thinner. Hold off on doing anything fancy with your hair and let it air dry until the loss stops.

Brushing your hair too hard might cause it to fall out in larger clumps, so be gentle while brushing and just brush once a day. You can spend the additional time cuddling your baby or sleeping!

Eat well

The best method to ensure that your body gets all of the nutrients it needs is to include a variety of fruits, vegetables, and healthy proteins in your diet.

Some experts prefer dark leafy greens (for iron and vitamin C), sweet potatoes and carrots (for beta carotene), eggs (for vitamin D), and salmon (for omega-3 fatty acids) (for omega-3s and magnesium).

Take your vitamins

Vitamins should not be used to replace a balanced diet, especially if you are a new mother with a newborn to look after.

However, if your diet isn't well-balanced, it might be useful as a supplement. Although no specific vitamins have been linked to hair loss, they are essential for overall health.

It's common advice to keep taking prenatal vitamins after your baby is delivered, particularly if you're breastfeeding.

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Foods and Beverages to Avoid during Pregnancy

29th November 2021
"​It is important for a pregnant woman to have a healthy and balanced diet that includes a lot of fruits and vegetables and also when you’re pregnant, it’s essential to avoid foods and beverages that may put you and your baby at risk."

​It is important for a pregnant woman to have a healthy and balanced diet that includes a lot of fruits and vegetables and also when you’re pregnant, it’s essential to avoid foods and beverages that may put you and your baby at risk. Here are tips and a list of some food and beverages that you should avoid during your pregnancy.

Sprouted Potato

Sprouted Potato is not only dangerous for pregnant women but for everyone out there. Sprout contains various toxins, harmful to the health of the mother and her baby.


Moreover, this can be very dangerous for the growth of the baby.


Pineapple juice is commonly used at the time of delivery to make the process fast and easy. But do you know it is really harmful to pregnant women?  Pineapple contains bromelain, which can make uterine muscle smooth and might lead to unfortunate problems to occur.


Moreover, it is more dangerous during the first three months of your pregnancy. So, you should reduce the intake of pineapple juice and stay healthy.

Animal Liver

We all know that animal liver is nutritious and also contains high amounts of vitamin A and cholesterol but do you know it can harm pregnant women?

Animal liver

Animal liver might contain toxins if the liver is taken from an infected or a sick animal. So you need to be very careful and take caution.

Raw eggs 

Raw eggs can be contaminated with bacteria and might cause infections to the women. Some of the symptoms of the infection are fever, nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, and diarrhea.

Raw eggs

However, in rare cases, the infection may cause cramps in the uterus, leading to premature birth or stillbirth. So it is better to avoid raw eggs during your pregnancy.


We all love caffeine but our bodies don’t. Caffeine is absorbed very quickly and passes easily into the placenta. Because babies and their placentas don’t have the main enzyme needed to metabolize caffeine, high levels can build up.


Also, High caffeine intake during pregnancy restricts fetal growth and increases the risk of low birth weight at delivery.

Moreover, pregnant women should avoid caffeine, and also other people should reduce their intake of caffeine to stay healthy.

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Safety precaution for driving a car while pregnant

7th January 2022
"Car safety is important whether you are pregnant or not. But pregnant women choose to drive for many different reasons."

Car safety is important whether you are pregnant or not. But pregnant women choose to drive for many different reasons. These include convenience and security to comfort and freedom. However, driving is always risky and especially so for a pregnant woman.

Here are some safety precautions and tips for driving a car while pregnant:

Prepare for breakdowns and emergencies

You should always be prepared on the road, but especially so during pregnancy.

It’s a good idea to purchase an emergency and first aid kit for the car and to have things such as a rechargeable battery charger (to ensure you can call help), flashlight, a blanket for staying warm during a breakdown, and some snacks and water to ensure you don’t start feeling too out of energy if you need to wait for repairs.

Plan frequent breaks

When you’re pregnant, your body will behave differently and you need to adjust to these changes, especially when driving.

If you’ll be in the car for several hours, stop, stretch and walk a bit. You’ll get the blood moving, feel more alert and reduce the potential for swelling.

It’s important to ensure you prepare for these and leave more room for breaks than you might normally. Add at least ten to 15 minutes to your shorter journeys, more time for long road trips.

Position yourself far back from the steering wheel and/or airbag

When you have to be the driver, move your seat as far back as is comfortable.

Try to position yourself so that your breastbone is at least 10 inches from the steering wheel.

You can use after-market pedal extenders to put yourself in a position further away from the steering wheel.

It’s just three inches, but that’s a lot of distance in an accident. Make sure to adjust your mirrors for your new seating position too.

Gauge how you feel

The increase in accidents for pregnant women is likely due to fatigue, nausea, lack of focus, etc.

So before you leave, check-in with how you feel. And if you feel any of those things, ask someone else to drive or postpone your trip until you are feeling better.

Eat a snack, drink some water, take a rest and see how you feel after that.

Remove extra layers

Coats and jackets could interfere with the placement of the seat belt. Plus it could make you uncomfortable and distracted if you get too warm.

Coats also can restrict your ability to move freely behind the wheel. So it’s better your remove the extra layers of your clothes while driving.

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