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Exercise tips for women over 50

6th December 2021
"It's never too late to start an exercise program. So, If you’re over 50 and looking to start your workout routine, try these simple tips"

When it comes to exercise, many people assume if they weren't active during their 20s, 30s, or 40s, there's no point in getting started in their 50s or even later.

Fortunately, that's just not true. It's never too late to start an exercise program. If you’re over 50 and looking to start your workout routine, try these simple tips

Walk Regularly

Walking has consistently been shown to improve cardiovascular fitness, help keep weight under control, and improve mood in those who maintain a regular walking routine.

Any aerobic exercise (cycling, jogging, and swimming) is great for maintaining lower levels of body fat and improving flexibility and overall body tone, but after age 50, walking has some advantages.

Perform Core Exercises

As we age and become less active, core strength is often one of the first things to suffer.

Poor core strength can lead to a domino effect of other physical aches and pains due to poor body mechanics and poor alignment.

Sore backs, hips, knees, and necks can often be traced back to poor core strength.

The core muscles include more than just the abs, so it's important to consistently perform a balanced core strength workout.

Eat Enough Protein

Many older women aren't getting enough protein to maintain muscle mass.

Protein is the major building block of the body, and because it isn't stored, it needs to be replenished regularly.

Protein can be either complete (those containing 8 essential amino acids) or incomplete (lacking essential amino acids).

Complete proteins are found in most animal sources such as meat, fish, and eggs while incomplete proteins are generally found in vegetables, fruit, and nuts.

Stretch it out

You can improve both balance and flexibility—things that tend to wean a bit in older women—with stretching exercises.

Daily stretching as part of a full-body workout can help keep joints and muscles flexible.

An additional benefit of stretching is that you will open your lungs and encourage deep breathing.

This not only helps to detoxify the body but also reduces the risk of minor aches and pains.

Bodyweight resistance exercises also help with flexibility, as they gently build resilience and strength.

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Tips to Prevent Your Car From Overheating.

5th December 2021
"An engine that runs too hot can damage the vehicle and threaten your safety."

An engine that runs too hot can damage the vehicle and threaten your safety.

Moreover, a very common issue among cars traveling long distances is the overheating of the engine. Sometimes, it might be due to faulty spares but at other times, simply improving some of your habits might help.

Here are a few tips to prevent your car from overheating:

Check your car’s coolant level regularly:

This is the most common practice that can help you prevent your car from overheating. You should always have a habit of regularly checking your car for coolant levels. Check inside the coolant reservoir or the radiator.


Always make sure that your coolant and water levels are at the proper level.

Moreover, the low coolant level is one of the most common reasons behind the overheating of your vehicle. Make sure you open the radiator car only when your car’s engine is cool.

Leave car windows open slightly:

Always remember to leave your windows open slightly because closed windows trap hot air, and the glass serves as a conductor that helps heat up the enclosed space. If you have a sunroof, open that too.

Make sure the opening is not large enough for someone to reach through.

Also, make sure the weather is good enough and isn’t changing from a sunny to a stormy day.

Keep a check on the temperature gauge:

If you are driving especially on a long drive, you should always keep a check on the temperature gauge of your vehicle. Considering you are on a long trip, you will need to pull long distances in a single go. This doesn’t mean that you will sacrifice your engine’s health.

temperature guage

The simplest way to prevent your car from overheating is to keep a check and not let it go beyond the normal temperature.

Turning off the AC to reduce engine load:

Ac it’s an extra load to the engine, especially if you are on a long ride. If you are on a long trip and feel that your engine is about to overheat and you don’t want to stop anyhow, the best way out is to turn off the AC.

This will help your engine get rid of the extra load.

Ac off

Also, it will help you sustain at the same operating temperature for long before the engine gets overheated.

 Alternatively, you can also switch on the heater after opening the windows so that it can pull the engine’s heat inside the cabin and the engine cools down quickly. This might be uncomfortable but can prevent your car engine from overheating while keeping you moving.

Park your car in the shade:

This is one of the major practices you should make of habit of. You can feel the temperature difference between the shade and the sun – and so can your car. Parking in the shade not only keeps you cool but can prolong the life of your car.

Moreover, if you don’t have a shade or find a shade try using cover or alternative ways.

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Healthy eating and diet tips for women

5th December 2021
"Hormonal changes such as mensuration, pregnancy, and menopause can cause changes in the female body where a healthy diet plays an important role."

The food choices you make every day may affect your health eventually in life. Choosing healthy food can prevent or manage various health problems that affect women. Also, it is important to note that women have different daily nutritional requirements than men.

Hormonal changes such as mensuration, pregnancy, and menopause can cause changes in the female body where a healthy diet plays an important role.

So, here are a few healthy eating and diet tips for women:

Iron-rich foods

The amount of blood present in your body depends on iron levels. Iron helps to form hemoglobin that carries oxygen in your blood.

Iron is essential for everyone, but the amount needed is different for women in every phase of life.

Because of loss of blood during menstruation, pregnancy, and delivery; women require the double amount of blood as men.

Low levels of iron may cause iron-deficiency anemia. Some of the food to get enough iron from your diet is red meat, green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits such as lemon and seafood.


For healthy bones and teeth, we need to eat calcium-rich foods every day.

Calcium also helps to regulate the heart’s normal rhythm and normal functioning of the nervous system.

Also, calcium deficiency can lead to irritability, weakness, fragile bones, etc.

Some of the food to get more calcium consumption from your diet is dairy products –milk, yogurt, cheese, almonds, sesame seeds, fish, and oysters.

Vitamin D and magnesium-rich foods

For healthy absorption of calcium, you need to take vitamin D and magnesium along with calcium.

Without magnesium and vitamin D, the body is unable to metabolize and use calcium.

Some of the food to get more vitamin D and magnesium from your diet is fish, cod, milk, yogurt, and fortified foods, and also direct sunlight is important.


Water supports health and promotes hydration without adding calories to the diet.

Sugary drinks including energy drinks, fruit drinks, 100% fruit juice, soft drinks, and flavored coffees have lots of sugar and little to no nutritional value.

It is easy to drink empty calories without realizing it, and this leads to weight gain.

When safe drinking water is not available, quenches your thirst with coffee, tea, unsweetened lower-fat milk, and previously boiled water.

Whole-grain foods

Whole-grain foods include whole-grain bread and crackers, brown or wild rice, quinoa, oatmeal, and hulled barley.

They are prepared using the entire grain. Whole-grain foods have fiber, protein, and B vitamins to help you stay healthy and full longer.

Choose whole-grain options instead of processed or refined grains like white bread and pasta.

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