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Food that help with menstrual/ period cramps

3rd December 2021
"If regular medication isn’t enough to help ease your period cramps, you may want to try modifying your diet."

Cramps are not only painful but also usually associated with fatigue and interfere with your ability to move around and go through your daily routines. If regular medication isn’t enough to help ease your period cramps, you may want to try modifying your diet.

Here are some foods that may ease period-related symptoms:


Bananas are great for menstrual cramps. Bananas are generally easy to find and known to be helpful for period cramps.

They are rich in fiber and will help you have easy bowel movements. As a result, you may feel less bloated and experience less pain overall.

Bananas also contain a lot of magnesium, which is known to reduce the severity of period cramps.

Dark chocolate:

Dark chocolate contains magnesium and fiber, nutrition.

Not only does dark chocolate satisfy your sweet tooth during your period, but it’s high in potassium which helps your muscles to function, ideal for when those cramps come.

These can help relax your muscles and uplift your mood without you having to consume as many calories.


Lemons are rich in vitamins; particularly vitamin C. Vitamin C helps your body absorb iron from your food into your bloodstream and tissues.

Because you may be losing more red blood cells than your body can keep up with during your period, it may be helpful to have some extra vitamin C to boost iron absorption.

Lemons also contain a lot of fiber, which makes them a good food for preventing muscle spasms.


Watermelon is light and sweet. You can easily pop it into a blender and create a delicious smoothie. In addition to that, it is mainly water.

Watermelon will quickly hydrate your body and add small amounts of natural sugars into your bloodstream, which might help with cramping.

Fish and Seafood:

Salmon, tuna, sardines, and oysters are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids. These nutrients can reduce inflammation in the body and may help tackle period pain.

Besides being a healthy source of protein, salmon is also a great source of vitamins D and B6.

Vitamin D helps you to absorb calcium, another nutrient that can make period pain more manageable.

And vitamin B6 can help with the breast tenderness and irritability you might be experiencing along with your cramps.

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5 Yoga Aasana To Ease Period Cramps and Pain

17th November 2020
"Throw the tablets away and relieve your pain with Yoga."

Yoga asanas have several benefits for your health. From digestion to mental health, it helps relieve and cure every pain and problem. From basic to advanced, there are several yoga asanas which serve a various purpose. Like most of the pain and problems, yoga succors in easing the painful cramps during the period. 

Many women suffer from the pain of extreme period cramps and mood swings. Only a few don't face much trouble. Some even faint from the pain, imagine how painful it could be? There are some women who have to be warded in the hospital because of the pain and blood-loss. I can go on and on about this- but let's talk about the potential help one can get to free themselves from the dreadful pain. 

Medications are always on the top; but, too much medicine could make your situation even worse. So, try to minimize the tablets and chemical intakes, and prioritize exercises and yoga asanas that help to ease the pain. Yoga has proved to be really helpful. Many even recommended others to atleast do simple stretch and breathing exercises despite the hectic schedule that one may have, to ease the pain. Here we have brought the most effective yoga asanas to ease your period pain. 

Baddha konasana- Bound angle pose

Baddha Konasana is practiced by several people, especially the ones with problems of digestion. However, it is also suitable for easing the period cramps. It contracts your uterus, which is not pretty fun but can be of great help to ease the pain. Moreover, it stimulates your ovaries making it a reproductive health power pose. If you’re feeling fatigued, spend some time in bound angle—it’ll revive your energy too.


Steps- Sit on the floor with your legs stretched forward. Slowly pull your feet towards your pelvis and hold your feet pressing it towards the floor. Keep your back straight with the crown of your head reaching higher. And hold the position as you slowly breathe in and out for a few minutes.

Supta Baddha Konasana- Reclined Bound Angle

Supta Baddha Konasana is pretty similar to Baddha Konasana, you just have to lean back rather than forward. It is best to resolve period-induced anxiety and stress. Period pain and all the hassle may make you go crazy sometimes. But, with this yoga asana, you can relive all those pain and relax. As you lean on your back in this pose, the abdominal muscles relax which eases the period cramps.


Steps- Follow the steps of Baddha Konasana after laying on your back.

Balasana- Child's pose

The easiest and the most convenient yoga asana's on the list is Child's pose. This pose not only relaxes the tension from your muscles, back, and joints; but also has calming effects on your mind. With a few steps of easy and simple bends, you can attain peace and relaxation. Balasana is highly recommended for people who have extreme pain in their joints and muscles, and can barely do anything during the menstrual cycle.


Steps- Sit on your calves with your knees bend. Bow forward and face the ground. Spread your hands forward and breathe.

Upavistha Konasana- Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend

Relieving your cramps is important, but so is having peace of mind free from any sort of distractions and distress. You can practice this asana even when you're not on your periods- when life gets all hard and stressful. Moreover, as you bend forward in the pose, your abdominal organs are stimulated- as a result, you get less painful cramps.

Upavistha Konasana

Steps- Sit straight on the ground with your legs spread side-by-side to the maximum extent. Place your hands on the floor in front of you and bend forwards.

Bharad Vaja- Reclining Twist

Like the rest of the yoga asana on the list, Bharad Vaja asana also has multiple benefits. Firstly, as you twist your hips and legs from side-by-side- your back and hips will get a great stretch much needed to cope with period pain. And secondly, your digestive organs also get stimulation from the free blood flow. 

Bharad Vaja

Steps- lay flat on your back. Bend your knees and lift it up near your chest. Spread your arms against the ground at 180 degrees. And rotate your hip allowing your knees to touch the ground side-by-side.

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Home Remedies For Period Cramps

10th November 2021
"So are you getting down because of period cramps? Don't Worry! We are here with some of the home remedies to help relieve your pain. "

Period cramps affect many people during periods. In some cases, the pain from period cramps can also be extreme. So are you getting down because of period cramps? Don't Worry! We are here with some of the home remedies to help relieve your pain. 

1. Stay Hydrated:

Remember to be hydrated, especially when you're in your periods. You're more likely to have abdominal cramps during your period if you're dehydrated. Moreover, you should always aim to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water per day to stay healthy and get rid of cramps. 

Stay hydrated

2. Avoid caffeine/Alcohol and spicy foods:

Avoid caffeine

Caffeine/Alcohol/ Spicy Foods causes water retention, discomfort, and bloating to your body. So, it is very important to avoid such drinks and foods during your period.  

3. Taking Supplements like Vitamin and Calcium:

Taking Supplements

Dietary Supplements like vitamin B-6, B-12, B-1, E and D, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc an also fish oil helps a lot to relieve your pain. Furthermore, Don't forget these supplements when you suffer from extreme period cramps. 

4. Exercise/Yoga


Exercise/Yoga plays a very vital role in the functioning of the body. It helps you to be fit. moreover, it also helps in reducing pain and cramps. 30 mins of aerobic exercise, a walk after lunch, dancing, and some yoga will be the best thing you can do to help your body be free from pain during your periods. 

5. Hot Water Bath:

Hot water bath

Taking a hot shower or soaking into a warm bathtub will be the best thing you can do on your periods. It helps your pelvic muscle to relax with the warmth of the water and relieve your pain. Moreover, You can relax in a warm water bath for 15 to 20 minutes, adding a few drops of oils like lavender and rose to get the most benefits. 

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