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Cleaning tips for keeping COVID-19 out of your house

25th January 2022
"Coronavirus or COVID-19 is one of the most-heard and talked about topics around the world."

​Coronavirus or COVID-19 ​is one of the most-heard and talked about topics around the world. While this outbreak has instilled fear amongst the people, it has taken over the world and made people more conscious of cleanliness and personal hygiene.

Because coronavirus is not a common virus, you must take advanced precautions to keep your family safe inside your home:

Disinfect Frequently Touched Surfaces:

Common surfaces are frequently touched surfaces that harbor the majority of germs and viruses.

As a result, it is critical to clean and sanitize common surfaces to prevent transmission.

To remove germs from high-touch surfaces, use vinegar, bleach, or a commercial disinfectant.

The market is flooded with a variety of cleaner-disinfectants that clean surfaces while killing germs on them in common areas such as the kitchen, bathroom, drawing room, and other rooms.

Keep Yourself Clean:

Maintaining personal hygiene is the first line of defense against Coronavirus.

As a result, it is advised that you wash your hands as frequently as possible for at least 20 seconds. Soap and water should be used for washing.

Bathe at least once a day and use a sanitizer as needed. When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with your elbow or a tissue.

Dispose of used tissues as soon as possible.

Don’t forget electronics:

Your phone may be an infected surface that is hidden in plain sight.

Phones frequently accompany us throughout the day, potentially picking up germs along the way.

Clean the surfaces of your phone regularly with an alcohol wipe or warm soap and water.

Also, remember to disinfect shared electronics in the home regularly, such as computer keyboards and mouse, landline phones, and remote controls, especially if a sick person has been using them.

Manage Waste Smartly:

Due to the current COVID-19 situation, waste should be minimized and managed smartly.

Consider using organic waste from the kitchen as a fertilizer for plants.

Always separate dry and wet waste and keep the waste bin covered at all times.

Frequently Wash Bed Sheets, Towels, etc:

Many households do not wash bed sheets, towels, or reusable kitchen napkins regularly.

Keeping the COVID-19 situation in mind, refrain from doing so for longer times.

Consider replacing the bedsheet every few days (changing sheets every day is the best case scenario).

In addition, wash towels after each use and reusable kitchen napkins after each use.

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Compiled by : Delika Dangal Delika Dangal

Overdrive Car Accessories and COVID 19

17th June 2020
"What is the post-COVID situation of Car Accessories Business in Nepal?"

COVID-19 and it’s consequence of Lockdown has been a curse to many of the businesses. Our Team took interviews with various people belonging to all small, medium, and large businesses. Some people say that their business has been adversely affected, while some state that it is in loss, however, they would revive from it soon.

Interview with Ashoke Gurung, Overdrive Car Accessories

(Gurung is one of the car accessories businessmen who have been in this business for more than 18 years. He has a shop named Overdrive Car Accessories in Kuleshwor, Kathmandu)

 Ashoke Gurung, Overdrive Car Accessories

What is the post-COVID situation of Car Accessories Business in Nepal?

It has been 18 years since I am in this field. It was smooth and okay-ish until the COVID-19 and nationwide Lockdown hit the market hard. Now at this point of time, people are concerned about their health and survival more than any other thing. Car and car accessories are a luxury for the people residing in a country like Nepal. This lockdown, people are more into buying necessary items like rice, vegetables, and lentils and car accessories simply don’t fall in that category. Plus, the lockdown has forced us to get locked up in our homes and we can’t come to our shops and make even a handful of dealings. Thus, for small businesses like us, it is really difficult at this point of time.

How are you planning to run the business after the lockdown is over and what are the safety protocols?

We are planning to run the business by properly sanitizing our shop and all the equipment in the shop. We will maintain social distancing and ask all the employees to properly maintain the safety protocols by using masks, sanitizers, and wash hands before and after stepping outside the shop. We will do every possible step towards helping the nation not spread the CoronaVirus.

Stay tuned for more interviews.

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Compiled by : Debashish S Neupane Debashish S Neupane

Things to Be Aware of Omicron Variant | Covid |

23rd January 2022
"Omicron has been found in the majority of states and territories, and the percentage of COVID-19 cases is rapidly increasing."

Omicron has been found in the majority of states and territories, and the percentage of COVID-19 cases is rapidly increasing. When it comes to COVID-19 variations, "omicron" surely gets your attention.

There are several facts concerning the Omicron Variant that we should be aware of.

Spreads much easier

The omicron variant's transmissibility is a major problem. Yes, the Omicron variety is more infectious than the others.

However, being vaccinated and taking measures like avoiding crowded places, keeping your distance from others, and wearing a mask is crucial in preventing the spread of COVID-19, and we know these activities have been effective against other variants.


Although Omicron appears to kill a lower proportion of infected persons than Delta, the World Health Organization warns that it is still hospitalizing and killing people and is more infectious.

This implies that we must be alert in order to reduce the mortality and disruption caused by the epidemic. Some of the major symptoms are runny nose, sore throat, muscle ache/back pain, fatigue/tiredness, and loss of smell or taste is rarer.

Now is the time to get your COVID-19 booster

The alarming rise in COVID-19 cases is cause for concern, and it's past time to obtain your COVID-19 booster if you're eligible.

Boosters are already known to help keep patients from becoming very ill with the delta variant, and new evidence suggests that this protection may also apply to the omicron type.

Indeed, the findings of laboratory research indicate that three doses of its COVID-19 vaccination provide superior protection against the omicron form. According to fresh findings, Johnson & Johnson's booster dosage can also be effective against omicron.

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Compiled by : Ankita Acharya Ankita Acharya