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Tips to take care of stainless steel furniture at home

18th January 2022
"Stainless steel is great because it is easy to clean and retains its luster over time. You won't have to strip and refinish it to restore the gloss, unlike other materials."

Stainless steel is great because it is easy to clean and retains its luster over time. You won't have to strip and refinish it to restore the gloss, unlike other materials.

Follow these simple techniques to keep your stainless steel table legs and table bases looking new for a long time:

Dish Soap or Mineral Oil

To begin, you must comprehend the grain's direction. Steel has a grain, just like wood and some materials.

These are the faint striations you can detect on your appliances' surfaces. In reality, the grain direction of a full sheet of steel will be the same.

Cleaning stainless-steel gas hobs and surfaces with dish soap are said to be the finest option.

Simply pour a small bit of dishwashing liquid over the surface and wipe it clean with a drop of water to make it soapy.

Dish soaps aid in dissolving the tight link that exists between the steel surface and the sticky oil that has adhered to it.

White Vinegar and Olive Oil

White vinegar, a cleaning cloth, and olive oil are required for this solution. Spread the mixture evenly on the surface using the cloth.

You can also clean the surface using a spray bottle. Allow the liquid to sit on the surface and loosen the dirt molecules, and then rub it off with a clean dry cloth after a few minutes.

After washing all of the dirt away, massage some olive oil on the entire surface with a towel to create a gleaming and glossy finish.

Glass cleaner

Fingerprints are the most common cause of a mess, especially on outdoor furnishings. As individuals rest their hands on the furniture's surface, they leave imprints.

Human fingers leave behind little amounts of body oils in addition to fingerprints. Fingerprints are easily removed with glass cleaners.

Working in a circular motion, spray some of the solutions on the microfiber cloth. Repeat the process until it is completely clean. Finally, clean it with a dry cloth after washing it.


Flour can also be used to clean stainless appliances, such as tables and sinks constructed of stainless steel.

Flour is thought to be better for keeping stainless steel ovens, gas stoves, and kitchen hoods clean.

To clean a surface with flour, first remove any grime, dirt, or other contaminants, then sprinkle flour evenly over the surface and rub it in circular motions.

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10 Things You Must Have in Your Kitchen

15th September 2020
"Let's get to know the things one must have in their kitchen."

Every home requires different accessories and equipment as per the requirement of the family. However, while talking about the kitchen, there are few things that are a must for every kitchen regardless of the taste differences of each family. Or can any family have a stove-less kitchen? No, right?

Let’s talk about the things one must have in their Kitchen.



Well, the name itself reflects its significance. Talking about stoves, you can choose either electric or gas stoves. If you want to cook safely without accidentally getting yourself burnt by hot rods or getting your house on flames, go for electric stoves if possible, induction stoves are best.

Knives and Cutting board


Get yourself the best quality stainless knives along with a long-lasting wooden cutting board. From budget to chef's premium knife, there are varieties of knives one can buy in accordance with their skill.

Grater and peeler


With a good grater, you can grate your cheese, garlic, veggies effortlessly. Also, for having healthy food, you can peel off the outer layer of your fruits and veggies with a peeler. Make sure to get a stainless grater and peeler for them to last a long time.

Dish rack and Food storage containers


You cannot just leave your dishes unmanaged and all messed up, right? So, a dish rack with holders and compartments for holding your dishes is a must. And, separating your veggies, a good quality food storage container will be best.



Foods and fruits are best when they're fresh and cool. So, with refrigerators, you can simply store your fruits and foods for a longer period of time. And, bonus- you can make homemade kulfis and ice creams for your desserts as well.

Measuring cups and spoons


Perfectly cooked foods result from perfectly measured and balanced ingredients. Even while making plain rice for a family of four, measurement is essential. So, measuring cups and spoons are other must-haves for your kitchen. You can find these easily in kitchenware shops nearby.



Shears, in simple words, is a scissor but larger. With shears cutting your meat and veggies will be easier. With their sharp blades you can easily cut off the fins of the fish and it’s also efficient in snipping off the herbs as well.



Tongs are a kind of kitchenware that has two long arms that are jointly making a pivot at their end. They help you in grilling your meat, making your chapatis, serving your salad, or making your spaghetti. They help to rotate, flip, or grab your foods conveniently.

Mixer grinder


Not everyone can sit down to mince their food in mortar and pestle. With a mixer grinder, you can easily make garlic paste for your dishes, chutneys, and many more. Don't forget to test the durability and reliability of the brand as being electric equipment; it might have some defects or complications.

Trash bins


Trash bins are a must, undoubtedly. If possible try to have two dustbins- one for perishable, decomposable, and organic waste and other for non-organic and non-decomposable waste. It will help you to manage your waste and at the same time help the environment.

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How to keep the house clean with pets

16th January 2022
"If you’re planning on adding a pet to your home, take the time to learn how to keep a house clean with pets first"

If you’re planning on adding a pet to your home, take the time to learn how to keep a house clean with pets first.

Here are tips that will help you keep your house clean despite your pet’s best efforts:

Invest in a good vacuum cleaner

Your vacuum cleaner needs to be capable of picking up pet hair effectively.

It should have powerful suction, work well on all surfaces, and not get clogged easily by excess hair.

You want one with a good filter that is easy to empty. It needs to get into all the tough-to-reach spaces, have tools for use on upholstery, and, ideally, should be as quiet as possible to minimize any stress for your pet.

Cover Any Furniture

Some people make an effort to keep their dogs off their couches and chairs.

But if you’re going to let yours climb on whatever furniture they want, consider covering some of it with bedsheets.

This will prevent your pet from getting hair all over your furniture. It’ll also save you from having to deeply clean your furniture later.

The only thing you’ll have to do to get your furniture clean removes the bedsheets from it and throw them into the washing machine.

Groom your pet regularly

Grooming your pet regularly is an important tip on how to keep your house clean with dogs.

Keeping your pet’s nails trimmed is a preventative measure for limiting unsightly nail damage.

Scampering about with too-long nails results in marred hardwood floors, scratched leather, and punctured upholstery.

Have emergency cleaning supplies

When it comes to cleaning supplies, you can never have enough in a pet-friendly home.

It’s important to deal with accidents and messes as soon as possible to avoid stains or odors, so I always have a fully stocked emergency cleaning station.

Making sure that you clean up any urine or vomit stains quickly and thoroughly is essential from a hygiene perspective, to eliminate any odors, and to minimize the risk of the pet going back again to the same spot.

Store All Your Pet’s Toys

Your pet is going to accumulate a lot of toys throughout its life. Before long, you’re going to find them laying all over your house.

Keep them organized by designating one area in your home for your pet’s toys.

You can buy a toy box for your pet and keep everything in there to reduce the amount of clutter you have inside your home.

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