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Healthy eating and diet tips for women

5th December 2021
"Hormonal changes such as mensuration, pregnancy, and menopause can cause changes in the female body where a healthy diet plays an important role."

The food choices you make every day may affect your health eventually in life. Choosing healthy food can prevent or manage various health problems that affect women. Also, it is important to note that women have different daily nutritional requirements than men.

Hormonal changes such as mensuration, pregnancy, and menopause can cause changes in the female body where a healthy diet plays an important role.

So, here are a few healthy eating and diet tips for women:

Iron-rich foods

The amount of blood present in your body depends on iron levels. Iron helps to form hemoglobin that carries oxygen in your blood.

Iron is essential for everyone, but the amount needed is different for women in every phase of life.

Because of loss of blood during menstruation, pregnancy, and delivery; women require the double amount of blood as men.

Low levels of iron may cause iron-deficiency anemia. Some of the food to get enough iron from your diet is red meat, green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits such as lemon and seafood.


For healthy bones and teeth, we need to eat calcium-rich foods every day.

Calcium also helps to regulate the heart’s normal rhythm and normal functioning of the nervous system.

Also, calcium deficiency can lead to irritability, weakness, fragile bones, etc.

Some of the food to get more calcium consumption from your diet is dairy products –milk, yogurt, cheese, almonds, sesame seeds, fish, and oysters.

Vitamin D and magnesium-rich foods

For healthy absorption of calcium, you need to take vitamin D and magnesium along with calcium.

Without magnesium and vitamin D, the body is unable to metabolize and use calcium.

Some of the food to get more vitamin D and magnesium from your diet is fish, cod, milk, yogurt, and fortified foods, and also direct sunlight is important.


Water supports health and promotes hydration without adding calories to the diet.

Sugary drinks including energy drinks, fruit drinks, 100% fruit juice, soft drinks, and flavored coffees have lots of sugar and little to no nutritional value.

It is easy to drink empty calories without realizing it, and this leads to weight gain.

When safe drinking water is not available, quenches your thirst with coffee, tea, unsweetened lower-fat milk, and previously boiled water.

Whole-grain foods

Whole-grain foods include whole-grain bread and crackers, brown or wild rice, quinoa, oatmeal, and hulled barley.

They are prepared using the entire grain. Whole-grain foods have fiber, protein, and B vitamins to help you stay healthy and full longer.

Choose whole-grain options instead of processed or refined grains like white bread and pasta.

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What to eat to stay healthy during Monsoon? | Chyawanprash

4th August 2021
"Want to make your immune system stronger and keep your body ready for the Monsoon season?"

Want to make your immune system stronger and keep your body ready for the Monsoon season?

Start taking chyawanprash every day and get healthier in a natural way. 

  Chyawanprash is a blend of various herbal ingredients that are known for their health benefits and medicinal properties.
  Usually, chyawanprash is free from sugar and is sweetened with the help of stevia, jaggery, or honey.
  You can even go for special sugar-free packs of chyawanprash for diabetic people to improve immunity and overall health.

Modern and unhealthy lifestyle, it is difficult to maintain a strong immune system without any additional efforts. Boost up your immunity by taking chyawanprash every day.

Foods Like honey and chyawanprash is the natural immunity booster that will help to sail through the seasonal changes. Children are frequently exposed to disease-producing organisms.


A strong immune system provides a child with the natural defense to fight off diseases. Strengthen your child’s immune system with a daily dosage of  Chyawanprash.

Chyawanprash is a paste made of natural herbs that are known for medicinal usage and are effective to boost your immune system which your body healthier.

Dabur Chyawanprash

Dabur Chyawanprash is one of the most popular and preferred options available in Nepal.

Dabur Chyawanprash is made of essential 40 herbs like Ashwagandha- which has miraculous health benefits to the body and brain.

Dabur chyawanprash key ingredients

Amla is one of the main ingredients of Dabur Chyawanprash, Amla is a great source of antioxidants that helps in boosting immunity. Amla is a traditional Ayurvedic medicinal herb that acts as Rasayana, Dipana & Ruchya. 

Pippali is the traditional herbs recommended in the treatment of cough, cold, respiratory ailments & diseases of the abdomen. 

Bilva is an Ayurvedic ingredient of Dabur Chyawanprash. The science of Ayurveda values the Bilva for its root skin, fruit, and leaves that have high medicinal properties for strengthening immunity.


Saffron is known as Zafaran or Kesar. Saffron belongs to the Iris Family acts as a medical treatment for multiple diseases. The thread-like part of the Zafraan flower is used for many health and medicinal purposes. Saffron acts as a health restorative and helps keep one energetic & active.

Cardamom is an ingredient of Dabur Chyawanprash which has miraculous health benefits which keep your immunity intact. Cardamom is a seed pod, known for centuries for its anti-oxidant, disease prevention, and health-promoting properties. It is also a good source of minerals like potassium, calcium, and magnesium.

Ghee is full of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E & K ) and healthy fatty acids, and ghee benefits can range from building stronger bones to managing weight & strengthening eyesight. It also acts as a body cleanser as it removes impurities from your body.

Yastimadhu enhances immunity by boosting levels of Interferon - an important component of the immune system. It is considered useful in cough. 

During Monsoon season some precautions should be followed

  •  You can take Chyavanaprash 10 gm (2 tables spoon) in the morning with lukewarm water routinely. (Diabetics patients should take sugar-free Chyawanprash)
  •  Don't touch eyes, nose, or mouth
  •  Cover nose, mouth with bent elbow or tissue during coughing & sneezing 
  •  Regular exercise for boosting the immune system
  •  Eat food which boosts up the immune system and avoid junk foods

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Compiled by : Reviewer Team Reviews

5 healthy aging tips for women

30th November 2021
"Aging is a natural part of life, and it's up to us to make the most of it that mean being active and feeling healthy."

As a woman, you may have many responsibilities on your plate, but your health should be a top priority. Aging is a natural part of life, and it's up to us to make the most of it that mean being active and feeling healthy.

These quick tips can help keep you happy and healthy as you juggle your everyday responsibilities.

Eat a healthy diet:

Proper nutrition is essential for the body. As you get older you lose muscle mass, bone density, and burn fewer calories.

It takes extra effort to make up for the natural changes of your body which is why eating high nutrient foods makes a big difference.

Good nutrition and food safety are especially important for older adults. As you age, you may be more susceptible to foodborne illness and food poisoning.

You need to make sure you eat a healthy, balanced diet.

Monitor your health:

Health screenings are an important way to help recognize health problems - sometimes before you show any signs or symptoms.

Ask your healthcare provider which health screenings are right for you and find out how often you should get screened.

Even if you feel fine, a yearly visit allows you to connect with your doctor or nurse.

It's important to get screenings and to discuss your health habits, family history, and plans for your health.


Exercise is one of Mother Nature's best anti-aging remedies. Regular exercise not only helps you live longer, but it also helps you sleep better, stay at a healthy weight, and feel good about yourself.

Plus, it can be a lot of fun. Aim for about 30 minutes a day of moderately intense activity a week such as walking and two or more days of strength training that works all major muscle groups (such as sit-ups and lifting weights).

Whether it's gardening, yoga, or hiking, finding activities you enjoy can make it easier to stick with them.

Focus on your mental health:

Being happy and keeping your stress down goes a long way in helping you live and age well.

Meaningful relationships and a strong social network improve mental and physical well-being and longevity.

Don’t forget your furry loved ones as having a pet has been linked to lower stress and blood pressure, reduced loneliness, and better moods.

Taking the time to engage in activities you enjoy will only fuel your happiness. Spend time in nature, pursue a new hobby, volunteer — whatever brings you joy.

Get enough sleep:

Good sleep is important for your physical and mental health. It also plays a role in your skin’s health. How much sleep you need depends on your age.

Getting enough sleep has been proven to lower the risk of heart disease and stroke, reduce stress and depression, lower the risk of obesity, reduce inflammation, improve focus and concentration.

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