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Ways to clean your kitchen sinks and drains

13th February 2022
"You may believe that your kitchen sink is relatively clean given the amount of soap and water that runs through it every day."

You may believe that your kitchen sink is relatively clean given the amount of soap and water that runs through it every day.

That, however, is not the case. Daily rinsing and splashing with dish soap accomplish nothing in terms of cleaning your kitchen sink.

Baking Soda and White Vinegar

It's simple to learn how to clean a kitchen sink drain with baking soda and vinegar.

Plus, the duo does more than just get rid of odors—it's a tried-and-true way to unblock drains.

Remember the 1:2 ratio of baking soda to white vinegar: one part baking soda to two parts white vinegar.

Pour the baking soda down the drain first, then the white vinegar slowly.

Allow 15 minutes for the bubbling duo to work their magic, then flush the drain with boiling water to remove any lingering residue.

Lemon and Vinegar

Cut a lemon into small enough pieces to fit inside ice cube trays to make this drain cleaner for the kitchen sink.

Fill the trays halfway with vinegar and lemon slices. Place them in the freezer overnight to allow for the formation of ice crystals.

To use, simply remove the cubes from the tray and place them in the waste disposal. Turn on cold water and direct the stream down your disposal.

Hot Water and Dish Soap

If you have sewer gnats or foul odors coming from your sink drains, your p-trap is most likely to fault.

Run the hottest tap water you have down your drains before trying anything else since this will release any obstructions.

You can also use boiling water. Pour some grease-fighting dish soap, such as Dawn, down the drain.

If there is a clog, clean it with a plunger before rinsing with hot tap water. After that, wash away any remaining filth and debris with your favorite kitchen sink cleanser.

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Cleaning tips to reduce household dust

11th January 2022
"Minimizing the amount of dust in your home makes a huge difference in air quality, and it can help prolong the life of furniture, appliances, and household electronics."

Minimizing the amount of dust in your home makes a huge difference in air quality, and it can help prolong the life of furniture, appliances, and household electronics. While it's impossible to get rid of dust completely, here are some tips for keeping dust at a minimum so you and your family stay healthier:

Clean with Microfiber Products

Microfiber products attract and hold dust with an electrostatic charge which makes them one of the best tools for how to clean dust.

Microfiber cloths are unlike dry rags and feather dusters, which just spread dust around.

Machine washable microfiber products can save you money over disposable brands because you can use them over and over.

Just make sure to let them air dry and don't use bleach or fabric softener, which degrades the fibers and reduces their ability to attract and hold dust.

Vacuum Effectively

Using a vacuum with a high-efficiency particulate air filter will ensure you’re removing as much dust from your home as possible.

To reduce the dust in your home, we would recommend vacuuming at least twice a week – with special attention to high-traffic areas.

Vacuuming is one of the most effective ways of cutting down the dust in your home and you will likely notice a difference straight away.

Sweep and mop Floors Often

You must sweep them as often as you can. Dust is very visible on wooden floors and is easily tracked through the rest of your house.

If you have time, try and dust your floors at the end of each day and give them a clean with a damp mop at least twice a week.

The more frequently you clean your wooden floors, the more you’ll be able to keep dust under control.

Keep Closets Clear

Closets are dust reservoirs, full of tiny fibers from clothes, towels, and bedding.

Every time you open the door, you whip up an invisible dust storm.

You can't prevent clothes from shedding fibers, but you can make closets easier to keep clean and vastly cut down on dust.

Enclose the clothes you rarely wear. Keep closet floors clear.

Change your bed sheet weekly

Dust mites, tiny microscopic insects that feed on human skin cells shed by us, just love the humid environment of a warm and cozy bed.

They also love to live in pillows and mattresses. While dust mites don’t bite, they do cause red, itchy rashes.

Keep Your Pets Well-Groomed

Pets carry dust and dirt and their fur can easily shred and build up around the home.

To keep your home as free from dust as possible it is important to keep your pets well-groomed.

Be sure to groom your pets in the bathroom rather than on the couch or over the carpet, as these areas can be harder to clean. Also, wash your pets’ bedding regularly.

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Mistakes to Avoid While Selling Your House

13th February 2022
"Selling your home may be a time-consuming and emotionally draining experience, especially if you've never done it before."

Selling your home may be a time-consuming and emotionally draining experience, especially if you've never done it before. It is common for first-time home sellers to make numerous blunders.

Many of these hazards, though, can be avoided with little knowledge.

Setting an Unrealistic Price

Setting the correct asking price is critical whether you're working with an agency or going it alone. Homes that are overvalued rarely sell.

You may think your property is worth more, but remember to set a reasonable price based on comparable homes in the region.

Hiding Major Problems

During the buyer's inspection, any problems will be discovered. When it comes to dealing with problems, you have three options. Solve the problem ahead of time, price the property below market value to account for it, or advertise the property at market value and offer the buyer a credit to fix the problem.

If you don't address the issue ahead of time, you may lose a significant proportion of purchasers looking for a flawless home.

Not Accommodating Buyers

If someone wants to look at your house, you must accommodate them, even if it is inconvenient for you. And, certainly, you must clean and tidy the house before each and every visit.

A buyer won't notice or care if your house was spotless the week before. It's a lot of work, but keep your eyes on the prize.

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