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Home Remedies for Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

9th February 2022
"Urinary tract infections are caused by foreign bacteria entering the urinary tract, most commonly via the intestine."

Urinary tract infections are caused by foreign bacteria entering the urinary tract, most commonly via the intestine, and can affect both men and women.

Fortunately, there are several excellent home remedies for urinary infections that you can use to treat the disease.


Drinking plenty of water and emptying your bladder as needed will assist you in flushing harmful bacteria from your body.

You may be hesitant to drink water because of the burning sensation you may experience when peeing, but trust us when we say that consuming your required 8 glasses of water each day will do you the world of good.

Water-based foods can also be included; watermelon, oranges, lettuce, soups, and broths are all examples of high-water-content foods. Drink water frequently throughout the day; if you wait until you're thirsty, you're already dehydrated.


Vitamin C not only helps to improve your immune system, but it could also acidify your urine, which prevents the growth of some bacteria and may help to avoid urinary tract infections.

When you have a UTI, you should avoid consuming too many acidic foods since they might irritate your bladder and make your symptoms worse.


Cranberries have been used for centuries to prevent UTI. According to research, cranberries make it more difficult for the bacteria that cause UTIs to adhere to the urinary system walls.

While not a cure, if you frequently develop UTIs, it might be worth drinking a couple of glasses of unsweetened cranberry juice or snacking on the actual fruit.


The idea here is to keep moisture from building in the pelvic area, which could worsen your infection.

Wearing loose clothing, particularly made of cotton or other natural materials, will help keep moisture at bay and make you feel more at ease.

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Reduce Uric Acid | Home Treatments |

1st February 2022
"Uric acid is a waste product created when purine-containing foods are digested."

Uric acid is a waste product created when purine-containing foods are digested. The kidneys and urine are generally used to eliminate uric acid from the body.

If you eat too much purine or if your body can't get rid of it soon enough, uric acid can build up in your blood.

Avoid sugar

While uric acid is normally associated with protein-rich diets, new research suggests that sugar may also be a factor. Sugar content, corn syrup, and high fructose corn syrup are examples of added sugars in food.

Fructose and glucose-containing sugars are abundant in sugary drinks, soda, and even fresh fruit juices. Sugary drinks should be replaced with filtered water and fiber-rich smoothies.

Drink more water

Drinking enough of water encourages your kidneys to clear away uric acid more quickly.

Always have a water bottle with you. Set an hourly alarm to remind you to drink a few sips.

Avoid alcohol

You may become dehydrated if you drink alcohol. High uric acid levels might also be a result of it.

This occurs because, rather than filtering uric acid and other wastes, your kidneys must first filter compounds that occur in the blood owing to alcohol. Beer, for example, has a high purine content.

Lose Weight

Weight gain, in addition to your nutrition, might elevate your uric acid levels. Uric acid production is higher in fat cells than in muscle cells. Furthermore, gaining weight makes it more difficult for your kidneys to filter out uric acid.

Losing weight too soon can have a negative impact on levels. It's advised to avoid fad diets and crash dieting if you're overweight.

Consult a nutritionist to develop a balanced eating and weight-loss plan that you can stick to.

Reduce Stress

Inflammatory can be worsened by stress, poor sleeping habits, and insufficient exercise. A high uric acid level can be caused by inflammation.

To help you cope with your stress levels, use mindful practices such as breathing exercises and yoga. Join a class or set an alarm on your phone to remind you to stretch and breathe multiple times a day.

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Home Treatments for Gastritis

8th February 2022
"Gastritis is a disorder in which the stomach lining becomes inflamed."

Gastritis is a disorder in which the stomach lining becomes inflamed.

Though home remedies do not treat the underlying cause of gastritis, they can help with symptoms including stomach pain and discomfort, bloating, indigestion, nausea, and vomiting.

Some common foods that could also help with gastritis therapy include:


Yogurt is high in probiotics, which are beneficial to the digestive system. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that kill bad bacteria, enhance digestion, and keep bowel movements regular.

They also stop the bacteria Helicobacter pylori from spreading its stomach infection, which is the major cause of gastritis.

Coconut water:

Coconut water and coconut milk have antiseptic characteristics that aid in the treatment of gastritis by destroying dangerous germs.

Coconut water also aids in the immune system's strengthening and the repair of the stomach lining.


Ginger possesses antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities that help to soothe the stomach's inner lining.

You can chew a ginger thumb and drink water, or you can boil milk and water in a 1:5 ratio with ginger and consume it. A pinch of ginger powder, rock salt, and asafetida in a cup of warm water is another quick ginger cure that provides rapid relief.


Garlic has antibacterial qualities that stop Helicobacter pylori from growing in your stomach.

Gastritis can be managed and reduced by consuming raw crushed garlic extract.


This fruit is high in antioxidants and contains the enzyme papain, which aids in protein digestion.

Papaya is also proven to help prevent gas production.

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Compiled by : Ankita Acharya Ankita Acharya