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Ways to teach your children how to clean

30th January 2022
"Cleaning habit is probably one of the most difficult skills to teach your child."

Cleaning habit is probably one of the most difficult skills to teach your child. How a child learns to clean up now sets the tone for how they will carry out the task as they grow older.

Here are some simple ways to teach your child to clean his or her room:

Build an Organized Inventory

The original placing of things is one of the most essential things in why your child's room is a complete mess.

One example is when your child is looking for his favorite toy but can't find it in the pile of toys and, to get through them all, they tumble the box.

The solution is a well-organized inventory of the items your child uses/plays with daily.

Set the rules

If you haven't set clear expectations from the start, you can't expect your child to clean up after himself.

Establish some ground rules, such as putting one toy away before bringing out another, or no screen time until your room is clean.

Make a picture chart or a rule list and tape it to their bedroom wall if necessary.

Simply ensure that they understand what is expected of them and that the rules are followed.

Appreciate Them

Who doesn't like praise for following instructions, and it wouldn't be unreasonable to expect your child to benefit from it.

What we need to do is express our gratitude for the small tasks that your child completes as directed.

Even if they are unable to complete the task, praise and encourage them, and demonstrate how it can be accomplished.

Allow them to take their time. They'll figure it out.

Create Habit

Make a dusting routine for your child and encourage him or her to stick to it.

Involve him in dusting and wiping his cupboard, drawers, and study table regularly.

Make your household cleaners with natural ingredients like lemon, orange, or vinegar.

You'll also be able to teach your child about the properties of these items and how to use them to clean the house this way.

Make it a game

Make tidying up a game for your child by awarding points for remembering to put things where they belong and deducting points for forgetting.

Assign different milestones with different incentives. Put on some music and have a clean-up dance party to make clean-up time more enjoyable.

Alternatively, set a timer and see who can clean the most before the timer goes off.

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Child safety tips at home

12th January 2022
"A home is the safest place your child can ever be in the world."

A home is the safest place your child can ever be in the world. However, that does not mean that they won’t be harmed inside it as a result of their actions.

Here is some child safety that might help you and your child to be safe in your home:

Dangerous furniture

In their drive to climb, children might pull furniture or televisions down on themselves, leading to serious injuries.

Put your TV on a low, stable base and push it back as far as possible. Avoid furniture with legs or wheels, choosing instead a wide base that sits directly on the floor.

Anchor furniture to the wall if possible.

All Chemicals Should Be Out of Reach

Given that many detergents and pesticides have an alluring odor; your child’s curiosity might get the better of them as they start meddling with the bottles and containers.

They could erroneously inhale harmful vapors or even consume them. It’s best to keep all these locked in a cabinet or on a high shelf well out of reach for the kids.

All Electrical Outlets Should Be Childproofed

Here’s another case for prevention against inquisitive kids.

Electrical outlets, with their plug points and holes, are an invitation for kids to mess around with and stick their fingers in.

Moreover, unattended devices and cables could lead them to play around with and stick them in their mouths. All these could create a fatal scenario for your kid.

Cover all sockets with integrated covers at all times. Educate your kids about electricity and the dangers that come with it.

Ensure All Openings of Your Home Are Secured

While they move around the house, kids may not always be aware of where they are and how a door or window might open or close.

Chances are they might get their fingers stuck in the gaps of the door.

Or if they want to gaze down from a higher floor and end up accidentally opening the window of the bedroom.

It’s best to have preventive locks on all doors and windows that are secure and cannot be opened easily.

Always Keep a First Aid Kit Easily Accessible

No matter the number of precautions and preventive measures one might undertake, accidents tend to happen.

The only course of action you can take is to be ready in such cases. Learn the basics of CPR to revive your kid’s breathing if they start choking or fall unconscious.

Keep a first aid kit ready with bandages, creams, burn lotions, bite antidotes, and anything that you think might be needed on an urgent basis.

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House cleaning tips for people with allergies

26th January 2022
"Whether you or someone in your home suffers from allergies or asthma year-round or seasonally, there are ways to relieve the suffering by cleaning properly to remove allergens."

Whether you or someone in your home suffers from allergies or asthma year-round or seasonally, there are ways to relieve the suffering by cleaning properly to remove allergens.

Follow these house cleaning tips and you'll be able to reduce allergens in your home:

Know what you are allergic to

The most effective way to eliminate allergens from the home is with a targeted approach, which you can't do until you know exactly what you're allergic to.

Get tested for allergies to identify your specific allergens and develop a house cleaning routine that takes those allergens in mind.

Prepare a Cleaning Schedule

It's always a good idea to make a cleaning schedule to make things easier, especially if you're doing it alone.

If you are allergic to dust or pollen, keep your home clean and dust-free to alleviate symptoms.

Instead of diving right in, allergy sufferers should create a cleaning schedule and divide the tasks so that they can maintain a healthy balance and keep their living space clean and healthy.

Avoid Harsh Cleaning Products

Allergy sufferers should avoid using cleaning products that contain harsh chemicals.

Instead of using harsh cleaning products, it is preferable to use green cleaning methods, which are ideal for those who suffer from allergies.

Green cleaning agents such as vinegar, salt, baking soda, olive oil, tea tree oil, magic erasers, or lemon juice can be made at home.

These are extremely effective at removing tough stains, grime, mold, and mildew.

Vacuum regularly

If you want a dust-free environment, vacuum your carpets and upholstered furniture thoroughly.

As a housewife, it is your responsibility to use a heavy-duty vacuum cleaner to remove dust, grime, pollen, and other contaminants that have accumulated deep within the fibers of your carpets and furniture.

Vacuum your floor coverings and other surfaces at least twice a week to reduce allergies and harmful bacteria.

Clean Curtains & Blinds

There is no denying that dust and dirt quickly accumulate on curtains and blinds.

As a result, use a vacuum with an attachment to clean them up.

After wiping down your dirty windows, use a microfiber cloth or a microfiber blind cleaner to remove dust from your blinds.

You can also wash curtains once a week, especially if someone in your home has allergies.

Change the Bedsheet

Your sheets may appear to be invisible, but they're covered in human and pet hair, pollen from your clothes, dust mites, and plenty of other things you probably don't want to think about.

Use a gentle, fragrance-free detergent to wash your bed linens at least once a week. Vacuum your comforter and mattress at least once a week.

This will help to maintain a dust-free environment in your home.

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