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Things you should never do on your work computer

26th January 2022
"Work computers are only used for one thing: work. Anything you do outside of work may hamper your career."

Work computers are only used for one thing: work. Anything you do outside of work may hamper your career. Certain things should not be done at the office while working on your employer's computer.

To help you be mindful, here is the list of things you should never do on your work computer:

Don't save personal passwords

The majority of us spend eight or more hours per day on our work devices.

If you use your work laptop for personal reasons, you've probably saved a few of your passwords.

This may appear to be the most convenient option, but you must consider the risks involved.

Cyberattacks are a constant threat to businesses, particularly larger corporations.

If a hacker is lucky—and they only need to be once—they may be able to find your password within your company's system.

Don't Chat with Friends and Family

You can now access almost every messaging app on your phone from your computer as well.

Cross-device syncing is available on Facebook, WhatsApp, and even iMessage.

Because you can talk to your loved ones even when you are not near your phone, it may be tempting to chat with friends and family on your work laptop.

That, however, is a bad idea. If that's how you feel, you'll probably rant to your family or friends about how much you dislike your job or a coworker.

Alternatively, you could share a politically incorrect inside joke. The third risk is that your boss will be watching you.

Don't Access Public Wi-Fi

Some places that provide free Wi-Fi may expose you to fraud.

Con artists set up fake networks that often appear to be the real thing but aren't, implying that those networks are insecure.

As a result, you may unintentionally share sensitive company information stored on your computer with just about anyone.

The only time you can use your work computer with public internet connections is if you have a good VPN.

Don’t Use Personal Files

It is important to remember that a work device does not belong to you; it belongs to the company.

You can't be certain that other employees won't look through your files. Avoid storing personal data such as music, photos, or movies on a work computer.

You're exposing your personal life to the public, which, depending on the photographs, could cause problems at work. Keep it professional.

Don't use social media

Many companies prohibit the use of social media while at work because too many of us get distracted and sucked in.

If you have access to social media, you should use it only to check the news or if you need to use it for work.

You should not be texting friends, tweeting about your crazy coworkers, or posting Instagram photos of your weekend.

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Which Gadget is Best Suitable for Online Education? Smartphone, Tablet or Laptop?

27th August 2020
"Smartphone, tablet or laptop ? Which one will you prefer for online learning?"

As the world is affected by the novel Coronavirus Pandemic, the teaching-learning process has shifted to online or digital approach. From elementary-level to university-level, all the classes are being conducted online throughout the world. Consequently, parents are concerned about the gadgets that could help their kids in digital learning.

People, generally, use a Smartphone, tablet or laptop for online education. Considering different factors like availability, health aspects, budget, screen, class-time, etc. the suitability of a gadget for online education differs from person to person and their age-group. 

Here, we present you the device or gadget that could be efficient and suitable for you or your kids.


The gadget possessed by a lot of people i.e. Smartphone is handy, portable and easy to use. It is best suitable for short classes with possibly less or no slide shows or whiteboards because the screen is too small to read the content and can strain your eyes. Being handy, children can easily use it and surf the net for homework as well. The battery part may also be another disadvantage if you have longer classes. And, I personally feel that it’s difficult to do and submit homework and assignments in a Smartphone. But, if you have a limited budget, go with smartphones because something is better than nothing.



Tablet, with a relatively large screen, is the best device for children. It won't strain the eyes as one can easily read the contents in a slide show or whiteboards. As it is easy to use, the children can join the classes on-their-own and can also surf the internet for their homework conveniently. There are several budget-friendly tablets as well which don’t lack much in functions and features. The battery aspect differs with the brand but will not cause many problems. Tablets are suitable for higher class students with a limited budget as well.



Laptop, in my opinion, is the best gadget for online education. From attending classes to completing assignments and projects easily, it is the best device for students (from mid-school and above) and teachers. Varieties of functions, larger screen size and longer battery life are the major advantages of using a laptop for online education. However, the budget aspect can be a disadvantage as most of the good laptops are above $400 or Nrs. 40,000.


Online education, superficially, seems to be a great substitute for traditional education approach and also a step closer towards a digital world. But, it has its own consequences as well; Increase in screen-time leads to an increase in health risk as well. So, it’s better if you try to reduce the screen-time as much as possible.


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Things to know before buying a laptop

25th January 2022
"We all have or will need a laptop at some point in our lives."

We all have or will need a laptop at some point in our lives. Purchasing a laptop may appear to be a simple task, but it is not.

There are numerous factors to consider before making a decision, and the following are some that may be useful to you:

Screen Quality

Every day, you'll most likely be staring at your laptop screen for hours.

So choose a laptop with a screen that is easy on the eyes. Keep in mind that glossier screens tend to reflect ambient light.

Also, keep in mind that touch screen laptops will have a glossy screen, so weigh the benefits and drawbacks.

Screen resolution is also important depending on how you intend to use your laptop.

When researching laptop screen options, it's a good idea to go to a computer store and look them over in person.


One of the best features of a laptop is its ability to fit into a laptop bag and accompany you around the world.

If portability is important to you, look for laptops with smaller screen sizes and a thin, lightweight design.

These laptops are frequently marketed as Ultrabooks, so keep an eye out for that term.

Alternatively, choose a device with a screen size of 12 to 13.3 inches and a weight of less than 1.5kg.

Battery Life

A laptop's battery life is determined by a variety of factors.

There are several factors to consider, including screen brightness, resolution, the type of programs you are running, the operating system, and others.

It is entirely dependent on usage, and the manufacturer's stated battery life is rarely indicative of your experience.

Instead of focusing on the number of hours specified by the manufacturer, consider the battery's rating in Watt-hours (Wh) or milliamp-hours (mAh).


You must consider not only the amount of storage but also the type of storage.

Hard disk drives were popular back in the day. Hard drives are becoming less popular as laptops become slimmer and lighter.

Instead, many laptop owners are opting for solid-state drives, which are faster, quieter, and, yes, more expensive.


RAM (random access memory) is essential to computer performance, especially if you do a lot of multitasking on your laptop, such as editing photos, writing word documents, and browsing the web all at the same time.

The more RAM you have, the faster your laptop can access data and the more applications you can run at the same time.

The bare minimum is 4GB of RAM. Look for 8GB or more if you use a lot of high-power software.

SSD Hard Drive

Laptops with an SSD or SSD cache are faster and have a better response time. SSDs are more energy-efficient and more durable.

SSDs are used in most new laptops because they are more durable, lighter in weight, and consume less battery power than hard drives.

You can keep your operating system and important programs on the SSD for faster loading times and use the hard drive to store data.

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