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Best ways to clean hardwood floors

27th January 2022
"While wooden flooring is a long-lasting option for almost any room in the house, it does require some care and maintenance."

While wooden flooring is a long-lasting option for almost any room in the house, it does require some care and maintenance especially if you want to extend its longevity.

Here's how to keep them clean and shining for many years:

No Steam Cleaners

Steam cleaners are common household appliances that sanitize your flooring by using vapor cleaning.

Steam cleaners have the potential to cause discoloration, finish changes, warping, and cracking in solid wood floors.

Sweep, mop (carefully not to use too much liquid), and dustpan regularly to ensure the finish is as flawless as possible, looking nice and clean, and not collecting dirt.

Cleaning dry

The key to maintaining the beauty of your flooring is to begin by cleaning dry, not wet.

Vacuuming and sweeping regularly is essential for hardwood care.

If you do it correctly, you'll be dry cleaning far more frequently than wet cleaning.

Clearing your wood of the dust, dirt, and grit that comes with daily wear and tear makes a huge difference in the finished product.

Sweep, mop, vacuum

This method of cleaning ensures that any dirt and dust are effectively removed without causing damage to your flooring.

To avoid scratches or marks on the flooring caused by cleaning, use a soft brush hoover.

Though this method appears to add three more chores to your list, it's a small price to pay for a luxurious finish and the avoidance of premature replacements due to damage.

No Over-mopping

When you need to get your floors wet, keep it simple: use a floor spray and a well-out, damp mop.

Moisture is a hardwood's worst enemy, and once it's in, it's difficult to get out, resulting in buckling, swelling, and warping.

Mop your rising areas no more than once a week for best results.

Mopping too frequently can wear down the seal on your floors or oversaturate them with water.

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Tips to take care of your wooden furniture

13th January 2022
"Good quality furniture lasts a lifetime. But, no matter how good the quality of wood is, it can be abrasion, scratches, and wear and tear, due to constant use."

Good quality furniture lasts a lifetime. But, no matter how good the quality of wood is, it can be abrasion, scratches, and wear and tear, due to constant use. Hence, it's extremely important to take care of wooden furniture as much as you can.

Dust regularly

Airborne particles, dust, and dirt cause a thin layer of wood which damages and scratch the surface.

It also destroys its natural sheen. Your guests also wouldn't like to see a thin film of dust layering up your furniture.

Hence, you must dust your furniture from time to time, using a soft cloth. Don't use rough materials to dust off the surfaces as they can cause scratches.

Avoid direct light and heat

We might not feel it, but the wood contains natural moisture in it, and keeping that moisture at its natural and appropriate level is the secret to the long life of the wooden furniture.

Too much sunlight and very close proximity to direct heat from any source usually suck the moisture out of the wood.

So the simple solutions are used to protect window films or curtains to keep the furniture away from direct sunlight and drape them properly while not in use.

Oil and Wax Regularly

You always need to keep in mind whether your furniture is polished or waxed as both need different kinds of care.

Wax and polish have different characteristics, so do not mix them up. Choose wisely. Wax usually gives long-lasting protection and is more durable than polish or sprays.

If you are planning to use polish, you should use it with restraints.

While using furniture sprays, it is better to spray on the cleaning cloth and then apply it on the wood rather than directly spraying on the wood surface.

Keep Your Wood Clean

Sometimes dusting isn’t enough and you’ll find it necessary to clean your wood furniture.

Never use all-purpose cleaners, which can cause damage to the finish. If you have a spot that is heavily soiled or sticky, dip a cloth in water that contains a mild dish detergent.

Wring it out as much as possible and gently wipe the area. Be sure to follow up with a rinse from a damp cloth containing just water, then immediately wipe with a soft dry cloth.

Defend from damage

Our day-to-day dealing with furniture takes a toll on them.

Overflowing glasses, spilling utensils, carelessly putting tea, coffee cups, heated utensils all cause major damage to the wood and usually leave round rings on them.

So if you love your furniture, then don’t be so harsh on them.

Use good quality coasters, mats, tablecloths, or table covers to protect the wood from unwanted round rings, spills, and direct contact with harmful materials.

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House cleaning tips for people with allergies

26th January 2022
"Whether you or someone in your home suffers from allergies or asthma year-round or seasonally, there are ways to relieve the suffering by cleaning properly to remove allergens."

Whether you or someone in your home suffers from allergies or asthma year-round or seasonally, there are ways to relieve the suffering by cleaning properly to remove allergens.

Follow these house cleaning tips and you'll be able to reduce allergens in your home:

Know what you are allergic to

The most effective way to eliminate allergens from the home is with a targeted approach, which you can't do until you know exactly what you're allergic to.

Get tested for allergies to identify your specific allergens and develop a house cleaning routine that takes those allergens in mind.

Prepare a Cleaning Schedule

It's always a good idea to make a cleaning schedule to make things easier, especially if you're doing it alone.

If you are allergic to dust or pollen, keep your home clean and dust-free to alleviate symptoms.

Instead of diving right in, allergy sufferers should create a cleaning schedule and divide the tasks so that they can maintain a healthy balance and keep their living space clean and healthy.

Avoid Harsh Cleaning Products

Allergy sufferers should avoid using cleaning products that contain harsh chemicals.

Instead of using harsh cleaning products, it is preferable to use green cleaning methods, which are ideal for those who suffer from allergies.

Green cleaning agents such as vinegar, salt, baking soda, olive oil, tea tree oil, magic erasers, or lemon juice can be made at home.

These are extremely effective at removing tough stains, grime, mold, and mildew.

Vacuum regularly

If you want a dust-free environment, vacuum your carpets and upholstered furniture thoroughly.

As a housewife, it is your responsibility to use a heavy-duty vacuum cleaner to remove dust, grime, pollen, and other contaminants that have accumulated deep within the fibers of your carpets and furniture.

Vacuum your floor coverings and other surfaces at least twice a week to reduce allergies and harmful bacteria.

Clean Curtains & Blinds

There is no denying that dust and dirt quickly accumulate on curtains and blinds.

As a result, use a vacuum with an attachment to clean them up.

After wiping down your dirty windows, use a microfiber cloth or a microfiber blind cleaner to remove dust from your blinds.

You can also wash curtains once a week, especially if someone in your home has allergies.

Change the Bedsheet

Your sheets may appear to be invisible, but they're covered in human and pet hair, pollen from your clothes, dust mites, and plenty of other things you probably don't want to think about.

Use a gentle, fragrance-free detergent to wash your bed linens at least once a week. Vacuum your comforter and mattress at least once a week.

This will help to maintain a dust-free environment in your home.

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