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Ways to recycle your old furniture from your home

14th February 2022
"One of the most important methods to be environmentally conscious is to recycle, but many people are unsure how to recycle old furniture."

One of the most important methods to be environmentally conscious is to recycle, but many people are unsure how to recycle old furniture.

Here are some tips for repurposing your old furniture around the house:

Donate Old furniture

Donate your old furniture to charity or give it to someone who needs it if you don't need it.

Some several websites or accounts allow you to list unwanted stuff for others to pick up if they are interested.

You can also hunt for a retailer to pick it up from, or you can drop it off at their location.

Sell the item

Instead of throwing away your old furniture, try to recycle it.

Today, there are numerous free options for promoting your goods, including Facebook groups, free ad sites, stores, and more.

There are a lot of practical ways to give away your old furniture - a terrific way to recycle it while minimizing the impact on the environment.

You must ensure that your old furniture has the most recent fire protection label, or it will not be resold, due to requirements.

Recycle Old Furniture Yourself

Furniture finishing is a great technique to recycle old furniture if you're trying to do it yourself.

Look for instructional tips and guides on sites to help you turn discarded furniture into beautiful, creative repurposed furniture.

Videos on YouTube offering educational lessons and how-to guides are widely available, allowing you to upcycle old discarded furniture into beautiful, unusual upcycled pieces.

Try to Swap out Your Old Furniture

There are numerous stores where you can exchange your old furniture for new.

Some stores will treat your old furniture with the same care as a car and offer you a discount on new items.

Ask your dealer whether they will lower the overall price if you give them your old sofa once you've seen the new furniture you wish to buy.

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Cleaning tips for keeping COVID-19 out of your house

25th January 2022
"Coronavirus or COVID-19 is one of the most-heard and talked about topics around the world."

​Coronavirus or COVID-19 ​is one of the most-heard and talked about topics around the world. While this outbreak has instilled fear amongst the people, it has taken over the world and made people more conscious of cleanliness and personal hygiene.

Because coronavirus is not a common virus, you must take advanced precautions to keep your family safe inside your home:

Disinfect Frequently Touched Surfaces:

Common surfaces are frequently touched surfaces that harbor the majority of germs and viruses.

As a result, it is critical to clean and sanitize common surfaces to prevent transmission.

To remove germs from high-touch surfaces, use vinegar, bleach, or a commercial disinfectant.

The market is flooded with a variety of cleaner-disinfectants that clean surfaces while killing germs on them in common areas such as the kitchen, bathroom, drawing room, and other rooms.

Keep Yourself Clean:

Maintaining personal hygiene is the first line of defense against Coronavirus.

As a result, it is advised that you wash your hands as frequently as possible for at least 20 seconds. Soap and water should be used for washing.

Bathe at least once a day and use a sanitizer as needed. When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with your elbow or a tissue.

Dispose of used tissues as soon as possible.

Don’t forget electronics:

Your phone may be an infected surface that is hidden in plain sight.

Phones frequently accompany us throughout the day, potentially picking up germs along the way.

Clean the surfaces of your phone regularly with an alcohol wipe or warm soap and water.

Also, remember to disinfect shared electronics in the home regularly, such as computer keyboards and mouse, landline phones, and remote controls, especially if a sick person has been using them.

Manage Waste Smartly:

Due to the current COVID-19 situation, waste should be minimized and managed smartly.

Consider using organic waste from the kitchen as a fertilizer for plants.

Always separate dry and wet waste and keep the waste bin covered at all times.

Frequently Wash Bed Sheets, Towels, etc:

Many households do not wash bed sheets, towels, or reusable kitchen napkins regularly.

Keeping the COVID-19 situation in mind, refrain from doing so for longer times.

Consider replacing the bedsheet every few days (changing sheets every day is the best case scenario).

In addition, wash towels after each use and reusable kitchen napkins after each use.

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Mistakes to Avoid While Selling Your House

13th February 2022
"Selling your home may be a time-consuming and emotionally draining experience, especially if you've never done it before."

Selling your home may be a time-consuming and emotionally draining experience, especially if you've never done it before. It is common for first-time home sellers to make numerous blunders.

Many of these hazards, though, can be avoided with little knowledge.

Setting an Unrealistic Price

Setting the correct asking price is critical whether you're working with an agency or going it alone. Homes that are overvalued rarely sell.

You may think your property is worth more, but remember to set a reasonable price based on comparable homes in the region.

Hiding Major Problems

During the buyer's inspection, any problems will be discovered. When it comes to dealing with problems, you have three options. Solve the problem ahead of time, price the property below market value to account for it, or advertise the property at market value and offer the buyer a credit to fix the problem.

If you don't address the issue ahead of time, you may lose a significant proportion of purchasers looking for a flawless home.

Not Accommodating Buyers

If someone wants to look at your house, you must accommodate them, even if it is inconvenient for you. And, certainly, you must clean and tidy the house before each and every visit.

A buyer won't notice or care if your house was spotless the week before. It's a lot of work, but keep your eyes on the prize.

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