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Essential covid safety kits

9th February 2022
"With thousands of cases reported every day, many experts believe it's a matter of 'when' rather than 'if' you'll get COVID-19."

With thousands of cases reported every day, many experts believe it's a matter of 'when' rather than 'if' you'll get COVID-19. Of course, you may never become infected with COVID-19. There's no need to panic if you do.

A thermometer:

A thermometer can be used to determine your body temperature. A fever is defined as a temperature of 38°C or higher, which can be a symptom of COVID-19.

The most accurate oral and rectal thermometers are digital. Rectal thermometers are a better measure of core temperature, though they are not widely used at home.

Pain-relief medicine:

Pain relievers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen can help with any discomfort brought on by a fever (high temperature).

However, unless you're in pain, you shouldn't take pain relievers to treat your fever.

Dehydration treatment:

COVID-19 patients may experience vomiting or diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration.

Make your own or keep an over-the-counter oral hydration solution (available at pharmacies).

Drinking water, on the other hand, is the best way to treat mild dehydration.

Disposable surgical masks:

COVID-19 is more likely to spread in a home than in many other environments.

If you're isolated in a home with other people, everyone in the room should wear masks, especially if they're older or more susceptible to COVID-19 complications.

Hand sanitizer and soap:

To avoid sounding like a broken record, proper handwashing aids in the prevention of virus transmission.

Make sure you have enough liquid soap to get through germs and any household contacts.

Cleaning products and disposable gloves:

While the risk of infection from a contaminated surface is low, coronaviruses like COVID-19 can survive for up to a few days on frequently touched surfaces like doorknobs, light switches, and remote controls.

Household detergent and disinfectant should be kept on hand. When cleaning up, wear disposable gloves and make sure to dispose of them, and wash your hands as soon as you're done.

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Home Remedies to Ease Cough |Covid|

26th January 2022
"Coughing is quite natural."

Coughing is quite natural. A cough can help keep phlegm and other irritants out of your throat.

Sustained coughing, on the other hand, can be a sign of a number of medical issues, including Covid.

Here are a few home remedies to ease cough:

Honey tea

Honey has long been used to treat sore throats. It can also ease coughs more efficiently than OTC cough suppressants such as dextromethorphan (DM).

You may make your own home cure by combining up to 2 tablespoons of honey with herbal tea or warm water and lemon.

The honey relaxes, while the lemon juice helps with congestion. You may either consume the 2 tablespoons of honey by themselves or make a spread-over toast for a snack.


The healing properties of peppermint leaves are widely recognized. Menthol, which is found in peppermint, can help calm the throat and make breathing appear easier.

Drinking peppermint tea or breathing peppermint odors from a steam treatment can help.

To produce a steam treatment, add 7 or 8 drops of peppermint essential oil to a cup of freshly boiled water. Take deep breaths straight over the water while wearing a towel over your head.


Ginger is a well-known traditional medicine. Ginger is commonly used to treat nausea and stomach upset, but it may also relieve coughing because it relaxes the airway muscles.

This might help with asthma symptoms such as coughing.

Ginger also contains anti-inflammatory chemicals that could help to relieve throat pain and swelling.

Ginger tea is the finest choice if you have a cough. The heated drink helps relieve throat discomfort, dryness, and mucous.

Slice a 1-inch section of fresh ginger root to create ginger tea. 1 cup water, boiled for 10 to 15 minutes, depending on how strong you want the tea.

Salt Water Gargle

While it may appear to be a simple cure, a salt and water gargle might help ease a sore throat that promotes coughing. Irritation can be relieved by combining 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of salt with 8 ounces of warm water.

Because children under the age of six are not very good at gargling, it is better to explore other therapies for this age range. 

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Things you need to do after recovering from coronavirus

2nd February 2022
"Most people desire to return to their usual life after healing from the COVID-19 infection. While some people remain cautious and follow all COVID guidelines, others tend to relax their guard."

Most people desire to return to their usual life after healing from the COVID-19 infection. While some people remain cautious and follow all COVID guidelines, others tend to relax their guard.

This puts the person at risk of catching COVID again or suffering other COVID-related issues.

Give yourself some time

For starters, don't expect to return to your previous life or test negative for the disease as soon as you return home.

As a result, give yourself some time to gradually return to your old routine, one day at a time.

Remember, you've just recovered from a life-threatening illness, and it's better to ease back into your old activities rather than dive right in.

Regular Exercise

Exercising can be difficult when you're recovering and your body is weak, but gradually implementing it into your daily routine will improve your physical and mental health.

You can do light exercises by simply moving your hands and feet, going for a light walk, or trying indoor jogging. You can also do some breathing exercises.

Have a nutritious eating routine

Another important practice is to maintain a nutrient- and supplement-rich eating routine to help in recovery.

Coronavirus exposes the body to a great deal of stress, and the medications used to treat it can also be severe.

To compensate for the loss of appetite, follow a well-organized eating regimen rich in organic products, vegetables, eggs, and safe poultry.

Make an effort to eat cooked foods that are easy for the body to process. Try not to overwork yourself or eat unhealthy foods.

Pay attention to any alarming signals

Whether it's a nagging headache or a bout of exhaustion, it's critical to pay attention to any signs that your body isn't happy with the post-COVID situation.

If any of these issues arise during the post-recovery period, keep in touch with your regular doctor.

Make room for others in your recovery

Recognize that once you're COVID-negative, you'll need to rest to feel like yourself again.

Recognize that your body requires enough time to recover, whether you are shopping for food or preparing it.

As a result, accepting help or involving someone close to you while on your recovery path is beneficial to you.

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