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Tips to make your bathroom smell good all the time

1st February 2022
"Keeping your bathroom smelling great isn't so difficult after all if you keep it clean, keep up with a few chores, and add some scent-boosters to your space."

Keeping your bathroom smelling great isn't so difficult after all if you keep it clean, keep up with a few chores, and add some scent-boosters to your space.

Here are a few tips for making your bathroom smell nice:

Clean When You Can

One of the most effective ways to mask odors and smells in bathrooms is to prevent them from happening in the first place.

The simplest way to avoid them is to clean your bathroom on a regular basis.

A little cleaning can go a long way; even if it's as simple as wiping down your bathroom sink every other day.

Make sure you wash your bathmat and towels on a regular basis and give your toilet a good scrub every now and then.

Use a Small Diffuser

A diffuser is a small device that uses heat, compressed air, or ultrasonic to release scents into the air.

A diffuser is usually filled with an essential oil blend, and because of its small size, it's ideal for making small spaces smell great.

Place a diffuser on the back of your sink, behind your toilet, or on another stand in your bathroom.

It's ideal for creating a spa-like atmosphere in the bath or shower.

Keep your towels dry

In any room of the house, storing towels that are still damp is a bad idea. It's especially bad in the bathroom because it's such a humid environment.

Towels should be dried in the sun immediately after use.

When they're dry, you can hang them in the bathroom, but it's best if you keep them somewhere even dryer.

It's also critical to wash them on a regular basis and to hang them instead of folding them when storing them.

Make Sure You Ventilate

On that note, don't leave your bathroom too steamy for too long.

Open your bathroom windows and ventilate the space for about 10-15 minutes after each long shower or bath.

Excess moisture, which is one of the main causes of stinky odors, is removed, and fresh air is introduced—the ideal antidote to a bathroom funk.

If your bathroom doesn't have a window, use your bathroom fan for the same amount of time.

Don't Forget to Take Out the Trash

Beyond the toilet, there are other stinky culprits in the bathroom, such as the trash bin. It's simple to get rid of odors from the trash can in your bathroom.

Even if the trash can isn't full, take it out on a regular basis. Garbage that sits on the ground stinks.

Place a few drops of your favorite essential oil in the empty trash bin and bag when you take out the trash.

When the can or bin is opened, the oil will release a burst of fresh scent.

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How to keep the house clean with pets

16th January 2022
"If you’re planning on adding a pet to your home, take the time to learn how to keep a house clean with pets first"

If you’re planning on adding a pet to your home, take the time to learn how to keep a house clean with pets first.

Here are tips that will help you keep your house clean despite your pet’s best efforts:

Invest in a good vacuum cleaner

Your vacuum cleaner needs to be capable of picking up pet hair effectively.

It should have powerful suction, work well on all surfaces, and not get clogged easily by excess hair.

You want one with a good filter that is easy to empty. It needs to get into all the tough-to-reach spaces, have tools for use on upholstery, and, ideally, should be as quiet as possible to minimize any stress for your pet.

Cover Any Furniture

Some people make an effort to keep their dogs off their couches and chairs.

But if you’re going to let yours climb on whatever furniture they want, consider covering some of it with bedsheets.

This will prevent your pet from getting hair all over your furniture. It’ll also save you from having to deeply clean your furniture later.

The only thing you’ll have to do to get your furniture clean removes the bedsheets from it and throw them into the washing machine.

Groom your pet regularly

Grooming your pet regularly is an important tip on how to keep your house clean with dogs.

Keeping your pet’s nails trimmed is a preventative measure for limiting unsightly nail damage.

Scampering about with too-long nails results in marred hardwood floors, scratched leather, and punctured upholstery.

Have emergency cleaning supplies

When it comes to cleaning supplies, you can never have enough in a pet-friendly home.

It’s important to deal with accidents and messes as soon as possible to avoid stains or odors, so I always have a fully stocked emergency cleaning station.

Making sure that you clean up any urine or vomit stains quickly and thoroughly is essential from a hygiene perspective, to eliminate any odors, and to minimize the risk of the pet going back again to the same spot.

Store All Your Pet’s Toys

Your pet is going to accumulate a lot of toys throughout its life. Before long, you’re going to find them laying all over your house.

Keep them organized by designating one area in your home for your pet’s toys.

You can buy a toy box for your pet and keep everything in there to reduce the amount of clutter you have inside your home.

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Tips to Keep Your Bathroom/Toilet Germ-Free

27th January 2022
"The threat of germs and bacterial growth is all the more reason to clean your bathroom/toilet on a regular basis."

The threat of germs and bacterial growth is all the more reason to clean your bathroom/toilet on a regular basis.

Here are some suggestions to maintain your bathroom germ-free.

Flush with the lid down

Did you know that when you flush an open tank, germs splatters all around it? On a typical day, this might not be a major deal, but it's a different story when you're flushing vomit or diarrhea.

As an added precaution, always close the lid of the toilet while flushing to keep it germs-free.

Use disposable gloves

Always choose disposable gloves so that you can dispose of them once you’re done cleaning.

Even if you used a germ-fighting disinfectant to wash ordinary gloves, there’s still a risk they'd be infected.

Disinfect everything

Even if you close the toilet lid every time you flush, you should disinfect every surface in your bathroom that a sick person may have touched.

This isn't rocket science to you, but pay special attention to toilet flushers, the immediate area around the toilet, faucets, door handles, and any other surface you don't normally clean, as these are likely contaminated with bacteria.

A mix of hydrogen peroxide

Keep in mind that toilet cleaners are not the same as bathroom cleaners. Toilet cleansers can help you get rid of bacteria.

Vinegar is an efficient germ-killer in the toilet. A solution of hydrogen peroxide and water works well. In addition, even a minor break in the basin might spread illness, so fix it as soon as you notice it.

Take out the trash

Empty containers and packaging that should have been disposed of gather in cupboards due to overflowing bathroom wastebaskets.

Your bathroom will be cleaner if you dispose of rubbish on a regular basis. Furthermore, an overflowing wastebasket is an unappealing sight.

Taking out the trash is made easier with a bin liner in the wastebasket.

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