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Bike maintenance tips during the lockdown

19th January 2022
"The cleanliness and maintenance of your bike should not be overlooked to ensure that it is in a safe condition to drive again after lockdown"

While you're stuck inside due to the coronavirus lockdown you are unable to leave the house, you are not riding your motorcycles.

As a result, the cleanliness and maintenance of your bike should not be overlooked to ensure that it is in a safe condition to drive again.

Here are a few bike maintenance tips that ensure that your bike is taken care of during the lockdown:

Right Parking Spot

As you will not be riding your bike for an extended period, it is critical to find the best parking location.

If you park your bike beneath a roof, it will be safer because it will be protected from bird droppings and dust.

As a result, by parking your bike in a suitably protected location, the damage caused by the outside environment will be greatly reduced.

Additionally, to limit the risk of bike theft, avoid parking in secluded or exposed areas.

Cleaning the bike regularly

Allowing the bike to sit idle for months at a time might lead to the accumulation of grime and dust, which can harm the bike's performance in the future.

To avoid this and to show your bike some love during the lockdown, make sure to clean it and oil the chains regularly to guarantee that it operates smoothly after the lockdown is lifted.

Start every 4 to 5 days

Ensure that your vehicle is started every 4 to 5 days. After that, let the engine idle for at least 2 to 3 minutes before turning up the throttle.

You can prevent your vehicle's battery from being discharged by doing so.

You can also disconnect the battery of your vehicle if you don't want to or can't start it every 4 to 5 days.

Lube them up

Even if your vehicle is stored inside for several days, it is still a good idea to lubricate it every few days.

You can not only preserve some key elements of your vehicle against rust, but you can also reduce the likelihood of wear and strain.

Chain, suspension, folding footpegs, keyhole clutch/brake lever pivot points, and fasteners should all be properly lubricated.

Tire Care

As tires lose pressure over time, it's best to fill them to one unit higher than the required pressure so they don't lose too much by the time you need them.

To avoid any mishaps or damage to you or your bike, it's also a good idea to check the tire pressure after the lockdown is released.

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Safety tips while riding a motorbike with kids

9th January 2022
"With the rise in adults riding with children passengers, it is important to address the issue of safety."

Riding motorcycles can be fun and it has become a popular hobby among people of all ages. The fact that many families own a motorcycle also means that kids on a motorcycle have become a common sight.

With the rise in adults riding with children passengers, it is important to address the issue of safety.

Wearing the Right Helmet

The first safety precaution you must take is to ensure that your child has a helmet.

This means that you have to invest in a helmet for your child - one that fits right. Giving your child an adult size helmet is not good enough.

You need to realize that a helmet that is too large will certainly come off in the event of a crash. Buy a kids' helmet that fits snugly on the little head.

Make Sure the Kid is Positioned Safely

Your kid is more likely to get hurt when sitting at the front. Hence, it is ideal to let the kid sit behind you.

The next thing is to decide how the kid will ride. Placing the kid in front of you is dangerous, due to the reasons already discussed.

Additionally, it is hard for the kid to hold onto you due to his short arms. The simplest solution is to use a belt to hold the kid to you.

Pay Attention to Proper Clothing

While riding with kids, you should ensure that they have the right clothes to wear.

A leather or denim jacket with zippers and zipped cuffs, a pair of denim jeans, and high-ankle boots are perfect protection clothing for your child.

You can also look for leather gloves as they protect their soft hands from scratches. Make sure the gloves fit the kids' hands perfectly.

Following Road Rules

When you decide to go motorcycle riding, you must ensure that you follow the basic road rules.

You need to own proper insurance and licensing.

Sticking to the set rules is especially important when you have a child passenger. Different states have specific rules for riding with children.

Find out the rules in your area and ensure that you comply with them.

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Things to Consider Before Long Distance Motorcycle Trip

19th January 2022
"Long-distance motorcycle travel is not for everyone. In reality, it's probably not for the majority of individuals."

Long-distance motorcycle travel is not for everyone. In reality, it's probably not for the majority of individuals. But there will come a day when you're on tour and you'll have no option but to go a long distance.

So, in that case, here are some things to think about before leaving on a long motorbike ride.

Improve Your Riding Fitness

Riding fitness is one of the most neglected aspects of long-distance motorcycling. But it's critical.

Long-distance motorcycle riding is extremely stressful on both the body and the mind. A decent level of fitness will allow you to accomplish long-distance travels safely by assisting you in maintaining attention and concentration.

You'll also have enough energy to enjoy your trip once you reach it!

Plan Smarter Breaks

Many individuals appear to divide their breaks into fuel stops, lunch breaks, coffee breaks, and general stretching breaks.

If you're in transportation, schedule breaks where you can complete all of the above in one location. Don't make your breaks too long. The longer you are away from your bike, the less eager you are to go back on it!

Maintain a tour attitude and energy by keeping your breaks limited.

Choose Your Riding Companion Wisely

You don't want to be traveling with riding companions that don't share your riding style. Making up time will be quite tough if your riding companion wants to stop every half hour.

Furthermore, if you want to make up time but your friend wants to stop all the time, you will have conflicts and disagreements.

Wear The Right Gear

Having the right equipment for the situation makes all the difference.

If you can be warm, cool, ventilated, and dry, you're on to a winner!

If you have space in your top box, being able to switch out gloves is also beneficial.

All the better if you can find riding gear that is both waterproof and breathable! If not, make sure your waterproof gear is easily available so you can quickly put it on if the weather becomes bad.

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