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Common mistakes to avoid while cycling

6th February 2022
"We make a lot of mistakes as new cyclists, and they can happen at any time."

We make a lot of mistakes as new cyclists, and they can happen at any time. Some are unintentional, as we need time and experience to learn, while others are intentional, as a result of overconfidence.

Here are some common mistakes to avoid when getting started on a bicycle:

Saddle Height

Aside from soft tires, saddle height is one of the main reasons you may be inefficient as a rider, as a saddle that is too high or too low prevents the power from the legs from being properly delivered.

Keep your heel on the pedal as you ride. Your leg should be almost straight when you reach the bottom of the pedal stroke, but not quite.

Neglecting nutrition

For runners, 'hitting the wall' refers to the point at which the body runs out of fuel/energy and comes to a complete stop.

Bring some refreshments if you're going on a long bike ride. If you're exercising, eat something every hour or so and keep a filled water bottle in the holder beneath your saddle.

Take a break and stretch your legs if you're feeling dizzy or exhausted.

Lacking essential accessories

Different riding disciplines necessitate different helmets—a road biking helmet, for example, isn't appropriate for downhill mountain biking.

A local bike shop can assist you in selecting the appropriate helmet for your riding style.

A bike lock, a bike light, waterproof clothing, biking gloves and padded shorts, and sunscreen and sunglasses are some other essentials to consider.

Shifting incorrectly

If you want a smooth, comfortable ride, you must learn how to navigate your gears.

Most bikes allow you to shift on both your front and back wheels, depending on what's going on in front of you on the road.

If you're going downhill, select a larger, higher gear by combining the largest front ring chain size (typically the lever on the left side of the handlebars) with the smallest rear cog (the lever on the right side).

No Spares or Tools

When going on a ride, make sure you have a few essential spares and tools that will get you home if you have a problem.

You should always bring the following items with you, which can be stored in a saddlebag under your saddle or distributed in your pockets: 2 inner tubes, Tire levers, Patches (the instant stick-on type are the best), Mini Pump, and Multi-tool (ideally with chain link extractor).

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Benefits of cycling

16th January 2022
"Cycling is a healthy, low-impact exercise that can be enjoyed by people of all ages, from young children to older adults."

Cycling is a healthy, low-impact exercise that can be enjoyed by people of all ages, from young children to older adults.

Here are the life-changing benefits of bike riding every day, no matter how much time or energy you have for a bike ride:

Cycling helps to lose weight

Cycling is a good way to control or reduce weight, as it raises your metabolic rate, builds muscle, and burns body fat.

If you’re trying to lose weight, cycling must be combined with a healthy eating plan.

Cycling is a comfortable form of exercise and you can change the time and intensity it can be built up slowly and varied to suit you.

Cycling improves mental health

There are so many ways that exercise can boost your mood.

Cycling combines physical exercise with being outdoors and exploring new views.

You can ride solo - giving you time to process worries or concerns, or you can ride with a group that broadens your social circle. ‍

Self-Esteem, depression, anxiety, and stress are all positively affected through exercise, but the nature of cycling is one of the most effective activities for the heart and brain.

‍Cycling Builds Muscle

The resistance element of cycling means that it doesn't just burn fat, it also builds muscle - particularly around the glutes, hamstrings, quads, and calves.

Cycling tones and works many muscles in the body. While the primary muscles targeted are certainly the lower body muscles, the arm muscles, as well as the core, also get in a great workout.

Cycling Is Eco Friendly

Cycling is a great replacement for transportation options that involve sitting in traffic for extended periods.

It’s especially useful when you’re going places that are a bit too far to walk, but you don’t want to take a car.

While keeping you fit, it also keeps the environment fit which will keep you healthy and your surrounding as well.

Cycling improves balance, posture, and coordination

As you stabilize your body and keep your bike upright, you’ll improve your overall balance and coordination.

Balance tends to decline with age and inactivity, so it’s vital to stay on top of it.

Improved balance is beneficial in the prevention of falls and fractures, which can help decrease your risk of injury and keep you off the sidelines.

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Importance of wearing helmet while riding two-wheelers

1st February 2022
"While riding a two-wheeler without a helmet it may appear appealing, but it is not safe."

Helmets are necessary when riding a two-wheeler for pleasure or commuting. The ride may appear appealing without a helmet, but it is not safe.

Wearing a helmet has important benefits. Knowing them would make you more aware:

Prevent head injuries

When you wear a helmet, the impact of an accident on your head is reduced.

If you are not wearing a helmet while riding your two-wheeler and are involved in an accident, you may suffer external and internal brain injuries, both of which can be serious.

As a result, helmets should be worn to protect your life.

Protects your eyes

In the case of an accident, a full-face helmet covers your entire face, providing you with complete protection.

When riding your two-wheeler, this type of helmet shields your eyes from dust and high-beam lights.

Furthermore, the design of this helmet allows you to have the widest possible field of vision while driving.

Avoid penalty

If you don't want to wear a helmet because you think it makes you look odd.

As a result, your beauty does not appear. However, now that wearing a helmet is required, traffic police are on the lookout for people riding their bikes without one.

As a result, you should wear a helmet while driving to avoid paying hefty fines and damaging your driving record.

Protects you from the cold breeze

A helmet not only protects your head but also protects your ears.

This layer of protection keeps the cool breeze out of your ears, keeping you healthy and preventing you from getting sick in the cold.

In addition, because of the solid inline cushioning, wearing a helmet in the summer helps you stay cool.

Ensures better control of the vehicle

When bike riders with long hair ride their bikes, their hair swings across their faces which may cause them to lose control of their comfort riding.

Wearing a helmet while riding a bike has been shown to improve your attention.

When you're riding your two-wheeler with a helmet on, you're more likely to be cautious and control your speed.

This greatly reduces the likelihood of an accident.

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